Sunday, March 31, 2019

News from Town of Greenburgh.

Last year a number of Greenburgh/ river village High School students participated and organized rallies against gun violence. They did an amazing job of highlighting their views and encouraging common sense gun safety laws. At the bottom of this post I shared a post that I wrote about last years rally in Ardsley.

Late Friday night I received this e mail from Bill Durston, MD who heads up the Americans Against Gun Violence. He asked me to encourage Greenburgh students to participate in their national high school essay contest. A Greenburgh student  who winscould receive $3,000. There are other financial prizes that will be given out. Because I just found out about the competition late Friday there is not much time- all essays must be submitted by April 14..But we have some very bright students who I think could write winning essays in that short time. Info on the contest can be found on: The winner must submit an original essay of 500 words or less describing their thoughts on Justice Blackman's statement: The Second Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia." This was taken from the majority opinion of the 1980 case of Lewis V United States. This essay contest is an opportunity for students to continue their involvement in an important cause.   Please share info about this competition with other high school students.
PAUL FEINER Greenburgh Town Supervisor


I've been working on our national high school essay contest lately and it occurred to me that I should have sent you the announcement about the contest in case Greenburgh students might be interested in entering it. A contest flyer is attached. Full details and the online entry form are available on theAmericans Against Gun Violence website. We'll be giving out a total of $15,000 to the 12 contest winners. The deadline for students to enter is coming up soon, though - at the end of the day on Sunday, April 14.

I'd appreciate any help you could provide in making Greenburgh HS students aware of the contest.

Bill Durston, MD

  • The following was copied from their website: if the link below does not work go directly to their website

    2019 High School Essay Contest is Now Open with $15,000 in Total Awards

    Americans Against Gun Violence is pleased to announce that our 2019 High School Essay Contest is now open to high school students in the United States and its territories. The prompt for this year's contest is the following statement written by Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun in the majority opinion in the 1980 case of Lewis v. United States:
    The Second Amendment guarantees no right to keep and bear a firearm that does not have "some reasonable relationship to the preservation or efficiency of a well regulated militia."
    To enter the contest, students must submit an original essay of 500 words or fewer describing their thoughts about Justice Blackmun's statement. The deadline to submit essays is April 14, 2019. A total of $15,000 will be awarded to twelve contest winners, with $3,000 for first place, $2,500 for second place, and $2,000 for third place. The fourth through tenth place winners will receive $1,000 each, and the eleventh and twelfth place winners will receive $250 each.
    Click on the following links for full contest details, a downloadable contest flyer, and for the online entry form and related signature form:

    The following is a summary of a post from the Greenburgh town website last year.
  • HUNDREDS ATTEND MARCH AGAINST GUN VIOLENCE Opportunities listed below for students to prepare and gain more experience before running for office and becoming tomorrow's leaders!
    Today's amazing student organized march against gun violence was very inspiring. The event highlighted the admirable strength and character of a growing movement of young people who are too young to vote but old enough to stand up for the rights of their fellow students. The entire community should be proud of every student who attended today's rally in Ardsley, the rally in White Plains, NYC and Washington DC-- or one of the 800+ rallies held around the nation. Two photo's attached from the Ardsley rally which was attended by a few hundred local residents.
    Among the speakers and organizers: Manal Sayyed, Rachel Brooke Kaufman, and Seeret Singh. 8th grade speakers included Zafir Sayyed, Hannah Whitehead, Julia Edelstein, and Sofia Caceres. Other students who deserve recognition but didn’t speak were our “grade reps” who helped us spread word to the students: Ruthie Kaufman (10th grade), Sammie Feldbaum (11), Gabe Gerstel (11), Zarina Nabi (11), Leelu Ravi (12), Yillin Yang (12), Jacob Wise (12). The student speakers were eloquent, spoke from the heart. They all have great futures ahead.

    Monday, March 25, 2019

    News from the Town of Greenburgh.

    Former Greenburgh Town Judge Ascher Katz passed away on Friday, March 22nd.  Judge Katz, the father of Westchester County Family Court Judge Arlene Katz, served as Greenburgh Town Judge for many years. After retiring from the court he served as a Democratic District Leader. He was always involved in the community and cared deeply about the town and about the people he served. He will be missed . His service to the community will always be appreciated and remembered.  The following remarks about Judge Ascher Katz were made in the Congressional Record in 1999 by Congressman Eliot Engel.  At our Town Board meeting this Wednesday evening we will have a moment of silence in honor and in memory of Judge Katz.
    [Congressional Record (Bound Edition), Volume 145 (1999), Part 7]
    [Extensions of Remarks]
    [Page 10513]
    [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office,]
                           HONORING JUDGE ASCHER KATZ
                              HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL
                                  of new york
                        in the house of representatives
                             Thursday, May 20, 1999
      Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to speak in praise of a man who
    has devoted himself to his community. Judge Ascher Katz is not only
    Administrative Town Judge of Greenburgh, serving on the bench for 23
    years, but a man who has immersed himself in the judicial profession as
    a Director of the County Magistrates Association and as a Chairman of
    the state Bar Association Committee on District, City, Village and Town
      Judge Katz is also in Who's Who in American Law and a senior partner
    in his law firm. But he also serves the community as a whole; as a
    Charter Member of the U.S. Holocaust Commission, in the Jewish War
    Veterans, as a board member of the American Cancer Society, and in the
    Rotary and B'nai B'rith. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and he
    and his wife have three daughters. On his retirement I want to thank
    him for all he has done for his community and to wish him the very

    Friday, March 22, 2019

    News from the Town of Greenburgh.

    Announcing the Greenburgh Public Library 2019 Teen Poetry Contest!
    Check out the brochure linked here for all the details -- Please spread the word to your students & friends! A great way to Celebrate National Poetry Month coming this April!

    • Who is eligible? Teen poets 12 – 19 years of age
    • Teen Prizes: First Prize: $100.00 !!! Second Prize: $50.00 !!!
    • Submission Deadline: April 2, 2019 @ 11:59 PM 
    • Winners will be announced: April 16, 2019 at the GPL Poetry Celebration -- You need not be present to win.
    All poem submissions will be on display at Greenburgh Public Library starting 2nd Half of April-May! For more information please call 914-721-8224 or email

    Kid's Present Talent Show
    Sunday, March 24th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm
    Looking to showcase your talents? Do you sing, dance, play an instrument or write poetry? Whatever your talents, we invite you to come and share them with other kids and the community. Kids Present is a partnership between the parishioners of Youth Mission of Life and the Greenburgh Public Library. The essence of the program is to provide K-12 students with a platform where they can overcome their fear of presenting while gaining confidence utilizing their passion of music, robotics, art, and other activities as the content for presenting.

    SBIC: Senior Benefits Information Center
    Every Monday - 10:00am - 1:00pm
    Senior Benefits Information Center helps older adults 60 and over and those caring for the elderly achieve a better understanding of Medicare health plans and prescription drug coverage. Trained advisers help you navigate Medicare. Great during open enrollment. FREE - No Appointment Necessary. Help Line: 231-3260

    Westchester County Department of Health Navigator Program
    Every Tuesday from 1:00pm - 5:00pm
    Contact: Westchester County Department of Health 
    Please call to make an appointment in advance.
    Do you need health insurance? The Westchester County Health Department offers FREE help. Contact them at 914-995-6350 or email

    Book Ends: Philosophy Book Discussion Group
    Tuesday, March 26th, 10:00am - 12:00pm
    Book Title: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
    The philosophy reading group meets bi-monthly and is a self guided discussion group led by Mr. Robert Brantl, Esq. The group is dedicated to the great philosophers of the past and present. Often titles selected are obscure and must be purchased by group participants. Copies of books or articles may be obtained online or sometimes through the Westchester Library System ILL service with local universities. A single work is discussed over several months. New members please register online.

    Sketchbook Drawing & Art Group
    Tuesday, March 26th, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
    Visiting Artist: Deborah Beck - Resist with Oil Pastel and Crayon, Watercolor, Markers and Drawing Pencil and Paper
    An opportunity to work on drawing, watercolor or pencil artwork in a creative aging program where members share their talents and learn from one another. An on-going seasonal program which has Visiting Artists in residence to inspire and encourage work in progress. Each member brings their own art supplies. Light instruction is provided as well as some art tools to be used during Sketchbook. No need to re-register for current members. New members, 55 and older, please register online. To register, click here.

    Search the New Library Catalog Like a Pro!
    Tuesday, March 26th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm
    Friday, March 29th, 10:30am - 11:30am
    Wednesday, April 3rd, 6:30pm - 7:30pm
    Librarian, Genie Contrata will show patrons the new catalog, revealing tips and tricks to make finding what you want that much easier! Genie will be working with groups but one-on-one help is also available. So drop in on one of these dates and make sure to bring your library card to practice. Contact Genie to book a one-on-one appointment for help with the catalog or any of the library's digital collections. Call 721-8232 or email
    Teen Homework Help
    Tuesday, March 26th & Wednesday, March 27th, 3:30pm - 5:30pm
    Homework and study help for teens grades 6-12. No registration required.
    Ginormously Good Reads Book Club for Grades 4-6
    Tuesday, March 26th, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
    We will be discussing The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate. Stop by the library to pick up your copy of the book. Registration required. To register, click here.

    Spanish ~ English Conversation Group
    Grupo de Conversación español ~ inglés
    Wednesday, March 27th, 2:00pm - 3:30pm
    Improve your Spanish conversation skills. Basic Spanish needed to participate. Please call 721-8235 for more information. Mejore su nivel de conversación en inglés. Saber lo básico es necesario para participar. Favor de llamar 721-8235 para más información.
    Homework Help Is Here!
    Every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 6:30pm
    Homework Help is free after-school help from local college students for students grades
    1-5 and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must be accompanied by an adult and must check in at the reference desk. Homework Help is not designed to be one-on-one tutoring, but instead a way to work through individual questions or problems a student may have difficulty with while doing their homework.

    Parli italiano? Join the Italian Conversation Group!
    Wednesday, March 27th, 4:30pm - 5:30pm
    Parli italiano? Join us for three Wednesday afternoons a month as we improve our language skills, build our vocabulary, and practice conversation. This group learning experience will be led by Art Burnap, who is "crazy enough to believe studying languages & cultures can help us get along better in today's world!" Vieni, unisciti a noi!

    GPL Writer's Community
    Wednesday, March 27th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    All writers are welcome to share their work, receive feedback, and listen to other works in a friendly atmosphere. No registration required. For more information, please call 914-721-8216.
    Create: 3D Printing with 3D Pens
    Wednesday, March 27th, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
    Learn all about 3D modeling and art with 3D Printing pens. For middle and high school age. Registration required. Click here to register.
    Bookworms' Book Club for Grades 2-3
    Wednesday, March 27th, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
    Attend an evening of book discussion, fun activities and snacks. In October, we are reading Freckle Juice by Judy Blume. Stop by the library to pick up a copy of the book. Registration Required. To register, click here.

    Thursday, March 28th, 2:30pm - 4:30pm
    Stitchfest is a free meet up for knitters and crocheters of all skills levels from the absolute newbie to expert. Even if you are just thinking about learning to knit or crochet this meet up is for you.
    Video Game Club
    Thursday, March 28th, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
    Use the library’s consoles and games or bring some of yours and play with fellow gamers! Want to use the library's? Pick from Nintendo Switch, XBox One, PS4, Xbox 360, Wii. For middle and high school age. No registration required.

    Health Matters For Seniors: Medical Marijuana Forum
    Saturday, March 30th, 2:00pm
    Speaker: Dr. Dara Huang, M.D., Brown Medical School
    Learn about the growing medicinal use of medical cannabis for adults. This event is in partnership with Team Unity, Incorporated, a 501(c)(3) public charity. No registration required.

    Jazz Conversations - Special Event
    Sunday, March 31st, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
    Subject: Keith Jarrett
    Frank DeLigio leads this lively conversation about jazz greats past and present. Discussion centers on the music and the personalities and is often prompted from video or audio clips of the days subjects. Special guest Rocco Dapice will perform and talk about Keith Jarrett and his technique. Don't miss this special event!

    Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

    Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks....