Saturday, November 30, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks.

Greenburgh Town Board discusses possibility of removing 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave and replacing it with a memorial that will last (link to discussion below).


 In 2003 the town dedicated a 9-11memorial wall to honor the memories of the victims of 9-11. The Wall has been located at Richard Presser Park on Central Ave in Hartsdale.  Over 1800 tiles were placed on one side of the wall, painted by residents of the county. A piece of metal from the World Trade Center is attached to the wall. The other side—featured illustrations painted by an artist commissioned by Rotary. Rotary contributed to the cost of the wall.

Sadly, the wall has never held up. We had to repair the wall twice –tiles cracked from the mural. Hundreds of tiles have fallen-many unusable.

(see NY Times article from 2011:

There were construction deficiencies making it very difficult to reattach the tiles (we tried to reattach the tiles twice). Issues of damp, drainage were involved. The painting on the Rotary side is also not holding up since the paint the artist used was not weather resistant. 


This is a link from a post Sarah Bracey White wrote highlighting a previous restoration effort:


Earlier this year, after more tiles started falling down and cracking – we removed all the tiles from the wall. We recently retained a consultant AM Art Conservation. One suggestion:  that we remove the wall and create another memorial. If we choose to repair the existing wall the cost will be high (could be in the range of $100,000) and there is no guarantee that the wall will last.

The Town Board had a meeting this past week. The link to the discussion can be found here:

9/11 Memorial Wall:

Since the meeting I have contacted officials from the district Rotary Club, fire fighters notifying them of the meeting the Town Board had. A committee including the Rotary Club, firefighters will be asked to come up with a plan to honor the memories of the victims of 9-11 and to pay tribute to the first responders. 


There is another memorial for the victims of 9-11 at AF Veteran park. If we take down the wall there are a number of options: we can consider placing the World Trade Center artifact at the memorial at AF Veteran park. We can try to incorporate some of the tiles in the memorial. Other options: creating a 9-11 memorial at the library, near the Hartsdale train station or outside Town Hall.

We should also honor the firefighters and first responders who died in recent years from long term health effects due to their responses. Thousands of first responders have died from respiratory diseases and cancer since 9-11 from the toxic clouds of dangerous particles inhaled. We could add their names to the list of local residents who passed away due to 9-11.



Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Friday, November 29, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: 6 year old and 4 year old cousins speak at Town Board meeting calling for more trees.

Watch link to their presentation at Town Board meeting A new tree will be planted- more bushes will also be added to park.

6 year old and her  4 year old  cousin ask for more trees at Town Board meeting—watch link to presentation.


Over a month ago I received two letters from 6-year-old Zoe Wong and her 4-year-old cousin Hope Cole. They were upset that the town was removing some trees from Bob Gold Parklet on East Hartsdale Ave.

I invited both to attend a Town Board meeting to highlight the importance of trees in the community. They made a presentation to the Town Board on Monday. Commissioner Joe Lucasey indicated that the trees that were removed had to come down (even an arborist who has worked for the NY Botanical Gardens agreed). He indicated that the removal of some of the trees will give the remaining trees more room to grow and mentioned that a new tree will be planted next year, and more bushes will also be planted.

When Zoe and Hope apply to college years from now – they will be able to add to their college application that they started making a positive difference in the community very early in their lives- probably earlier than any other applicant.


Watch our youngest political activists make their presentation (less than 5 minutes)on the link below.  Zoe and Hope are learning at a very early age the importance of engaging with their elected officials. And are role models for other young people.

Presentation by 6 year old Zoe Wong and 4 year old Hope Cole - Trees at the Bob Gold Parklet

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Opening day -Friday 11/29--exciting new Italian Restaurant on Central Ave.

Family has operated successful fine dining restaurants for 50 years!



I am pleased to announce the grand opening of a new and exciting Italian restaurant located at 706 Central Park Avenue, (opposite the Greenville Fire Department) on Friday, November 29, 2024.

“Il Sorrento,” is owned and operated by Nick Hoti, and Frank Dicola, who were brought up in the “fine dining” restaurant business and have spent the majority of their lives working with their families, who have successfully operated restaurants in the NYC Metropolitan area for 50 years. 

Frank’s family operated the well known “Patsy’s” restaurant on 54th street in NYC and is enthused to bring his skills and passions to Greenburgh. Nick has expressed his excitement in having hired noted chef Joe Fusco, who has designed a wonderful Southern Italian (“Napolitana Cuisine”) menu, and will oversee the kitchen. 

I am extremely pleased that Greenburgh residents will benefit from another quality, new business in our ever-burgeoning Town, and that Nick and Frank appreciate the quality of our Town and our wonderful residents and have decided to invest in our community. 


Good luck Nick and Frank on your new venture.


Paul Feiner

Greenburgh, Town Supervisor

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Reminder; no overnight parking beginning Dec 1--exemptions allowed if you meet criteria.

Link to exemption application below.

The town bans overnight street parking during the winter-beginning December 1. But, exceptions can be made if you meet the criteria. A link to the application is below.  Hardship exemptions must be approved by the police department.


Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: A bit of history- paddle tennis got it's start in Edgemont.

An interesting article posted in the -how paddle tennis was invented in Edgemont

An interesting bit of Greenburgh history: Paddle tennis invented in Edgemont!   The Scarsdale Insider is a relatively new online publication with some interesting articles. Let’s continue to celebrate our history.  And, thank you to the ScarsdaleInsider for sharing this fascinating  story with our residents.



In autumn 1928, two Edgemont neighbors, Fessenden (Fess) Blanchard of 4 Seely Place and James (Jimmy) Cogswell Jr. of 105 Old Army Road, came together to create a new winter sport in their own backyards. As passionate sportsmen and innovators, their collaboration gave birth to a unique game that would eventually become platform (paddle) tennis, transforming a simple idea into a national sport. 


Saturday, November 23, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: In memory- Harold Rose: 20 years of service as a CERT volunteer.

Harold Rose was a role model in our community--a long time volunteer in the CERT program helping families during emergencies.

One of the most dedicated and hard-working members of the Greenburgh CERT team –Harold Rose- passed away.

The CERT team helps emergency responders save lives and protect property. Harold donated thousands of hours of his time volunteering for initiatives that has helped Greenburgh prepare for emergencies. Harold was part of the CERT team for close to 20 years and led their shelter unit. He was also responsible for the CERT van. For info on the CERT team click on the link below:


Every time there was a flood or fire that left residents temporarily homeless Harold was at the temporary shelter – helping residents deal with a very stressful life   experience. He also helped during events- most recently Spooktoberfest- a Halloween event sponsored by the Parks department.  Harold spent the entire event on his feet, helping direct traffic and keeping residents safe. He was vibrant, caring, very passionate about the town and took his CERT volunteer responsibilities very seriously.

Harold had a stroke last Sunday and never recovered. Services will be on Monday morning at 10 am sharp in the Chapel in the Woods at:

Congregation Kol Ami

252 Soundview Ave.

White Plains, NY

Harold will be missed by his colleagues who are active in the CERT team and by many people in our town -whose lives he impacted for the better. He was a role model in our community.   The Greenburgh Town Board will have a moment of silence in honor and in memory of Harold Rose at our Town Board meeting on Monday. We will all miss Harold but will be grateful for all he did for Greenburgh residents.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Hearing on 2025 proposed capital budget on Monday night.

We are addressing many infrastructure needs of the town.

The Greenburgh Town Board will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2025 capital budget Monday, November 25th.  The Town Board meeting begins at 7:30 PM. We will also be holding a public hearing on the operating budget.  The operating budget was first proposed on October 30th and has been posted on the town website.

The proposed capital budget is $19,106,000. $18,594,000 is long term bonding.

A copy of the budget message and entire budget can be found on the link below:



Highlights include:

$350,000 for a new advanced life support ambulance.  It takes about three years for an ambulance to be delivered once ordered.

$4,000,000 for sewer cleaning and relining along pipes around town. Relining underground piping can extend life expectancy of pipes  from 25-50 years.

$2,500,000 for curbing around town 

$1,500,000 for drainage improvements around town

$6,500,000 for road resurfacing around town.

$1,500,00 for sidewalks, crosswalks and other safety initiatives.

$175,000 for a new playground at Secor Woods.

$175,000 for AF Veteran park pool concrete decking and stairway work.

We have a request in the 2025 capital budget to implement a system that will allow notifications for water main breaks/flushing and other related events.

The Town Board will review the proposed budget in the coming weeks and can make modifications to the budget if they wish. Much of the proposed budget was discussed months ago when department heads met with the Town Board to discuss their capital needs at televised Town Board meetings.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Greenburgh Insider: Hartsdale Fire District Elections - 12/10/24.






PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that pursuant to Section 175 of the Town Law, the annual election of the Hartsdale Fire District will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at Hartsdale Fire Station No. 1, 25 South Central Park Avenue, Hartsdale, Town of Greenburgh, County of Westchester, State of New York, for the following purpose:


To elect one (1) Fire Commissioner for a term of five (5) years



TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the candidates for the position of Fire Commissioner shall file their names with the Secretary of the Hartsdale Fire District on or before November 20, 2024, and in addition, require that such nomination be submitted in petition form signed by twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the District. A form of nominating petition will be furnished by the Secretary upon request of any candidate.


The polls shall remain open for the purpose of receiving ballots of those qualified to vote during the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m.


To be qualified to vote at this election, voter must be


  1. A citizen of the United States


  1. A resident in the Hartsdale Fire District for a period of thirty (30) days next preceding an election.


  1. A registered voter in the County under permanent personal registration Registered with the Board of Elections of the Hartsdale Fire District certifying conditions (1) and (2) above. Must be registered no later than November 18, 2024.




(914) 949-2325

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Greenville Fire District Elections 12/10/24.







December 10, 2024



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Election of the Greenville Fire District will take place on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 between the hours of 6:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. at Greenville Fire District Headquarters, 711 Central Avenue, Scarsdale, for the purpose of electing:


  1. One commissioner for a FIVE year term, commencing on

January 1, 2025 and ending on December 31, 2029.  


All duly registered residents of the Greenville Fire District as of November 18, 2024 shall be eligible to vote.  

Candidates for District Office shall have their names filed in petition form, signed by twenty-five (25) qualified voters of the district, with the District Secretary at Greenville Fire District Headquarters, 711 Central Avenue, Scarsdale, by Wednesday, November 20, 2024.

                                                                   By order of the

                                                                                    Board of Fire Commissioners

                                                                                    Greenville Fire District

                                                                                    Westchester County, New York

                                                                                    Jennifer L. DiMartino

                                                                                    Fire District Secretary

                                                                                    November 12, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Overnight Central Ave road repaving inconveniences ending....Manor Woods streets to be repaved.

Con Ed underground gas work in Manor Woods left streets a mess---roads to be repaved before end of year.



Central Ave night time repaving inconveniences to end according to NYS DOT tonight or tomorrow at latest.

NYS has been repaving the north bound lane on Central Ave—a road that is has been in desperate need of repaving. Next year they will repave the southbound lanes. Because Central Ave is such a busy road – the state indicated that the work needed to be done in the evening. I received some complaints from residents who live in apartments near the road work about excessive noise/lighting that made it difficult to sleep. The good news: the work is almost complete.

“We should be done completely tonight…. Worst case small amount Wednesday.   Thursday we’ll be down by the cross county”. Dina B. Colavito, Engineer In Charge  NYS Department of Transportation


With the exception of E Hartsdale Ave. and Lewis Road (curbing work needs to be completed), all other of the Manor Woods roads will get paved this year of course weather permitting. 

Below are the list of roads within in Manor Woods that will be paved this year which Con Ed will cut a check to contribute to the paving costs:

•            Wilson Street

•            Lawton Ave.

•            Columbia Ave.

•            Holland Place

•            Catterson Terrace

•            Findlay Ave.

•            Charlotte Ave.

•            Mercer Ave.

•            Lakeview Ave.

•            Maple Street

•            Oak Street

Paul Feiner

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Monday, November 18, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Important child car seat safety tips from a nationally known expert & info car seat inspections.

Greenburgh police have been helping with child car seat inspections since 1999. If you have a small child you can take advantage of this free program --first and third Saturdays of each month.




Stephanie Tombrello, the Senior Program Consultant for SafetyBeltSafe USA provides families with young children with important safety tips during an interview on  my cable TV show. Stephanie, who grew up in Hastings, is the sister of the late Vanessa Merton who was very active in Hastings civic activities and founder of the Pace Law School Immigration Clinic. Her brother Robert Merton won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science in 1997. Stephanie is nationally known for leading the effort promoting child car seat safety initiatives.


You can watch the video here:


The highlights:


Most parents (80-90%) have installed car seats incorrectly and/or are using a faulty car seat, which could prove fatal to their child in the event of a car crash when all objects and passengers in a car fly forward with a force of their weight multiplied by the speed being driven. Choosing the right seat is the first important step – a seat that is new or not too old, has no known recalls, has no known crashes, and comes from a reputable company, and from a known seller. Then installing it correctly is essential.


The seat should have instructions and online videos for installing correctly, which you can review along with manufacturer information on your specific car for child safety.


Generally, babies and toddlers should face the rear for as long as possible (at least to age 2), and then face forward until about age 5-6, when they can transition to a booster. The booster, from at least 5 until 10-12 years old, is meant to adjust their smaller frames to match the measurements for the car’s safety features like air bags and straps.  


Older children can ride in a vehicle with a belt once they pass the five-step test:

1.           Does the child sit all the way back against the auto seat?

2.           Do the child’s knees bend comfortably at the edge of the seat?

3.           Does the belt cross the shoulder between the arm and the neck?

4.           Is the lap belt as low as possible, touching the thighs?

5.           Can the child stay seated like this for the whole trip?


Teens should stay in the back seat, where it’s safer, until they are old enough (age 15) to be beginning to need to observe the driver to learn to drive themselves. The longer they stay in the back the better.


If this all seems tricky, there’s help:


The Town of Greenburgh Police Department conducts inspections/installations the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of every month at the White Plains Subaru Volvo  Service Center, 499 Old Tarrytown Road from 11am-2pm. You can all 914-989 1650 for more infrmation about our inspection program. This program was started in 1999.


You can visit to learn more. You can also reach out to Stephanie by emailing or call Car at 800-745-SAFE


The “Don’t Risk Your Child’s Life’ video she mentions is available to watch on YouTube here: Don't Risk Your Child's Life

You can watch the interview with Stephanie here:


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: For families who live with someone with Alzheimer's---an important Hastings library event Sunday.

Photo Credit: The Rivertowns Dispatch.

A suggestion that is worthy of consideration: A memory cafe for families and caregivers with memory loss at the library or community center. Read link to story in

SUNDAY 2 PM HASTINGS ON HUDSON LIBRARY--Presentation: Award winning film dealing with memory loss, Alzheimer's, dementia--with a speaker.


The Rivertowns Dispatch ( is a new weekly publication serving the Greenburgh river villages.  This week they featured an article about Robert Sanborn who is experiencing Alzheimer’s. His wife, Tarry Hum, highlights how she is helping Robert deal with the illness.   On Sunday, November 17 at 2 PM   their social worker will be at the Hastings Public Library for the presentation of the award-winning documentary “Keys Bags Names Words”. The film depicts stories of the personal impact of memory loss and ways in which artists and scientists use theater, drama, music, humor and compassion to change the narrative  about aging and dementia.  One experts says that music is more effective than drug treatment.


Hum has proposed a memory cafĂ© at the Hastings Library -which I think is a great idea (I’ll suggest it to Greenburgh) – a gathering place for individuals with memory loss and their caregivers.  The article in the Rivertowns Dispatch also mentioned that the Sanborn family has benefitted from  different resources including The Bold Coalition led by the NYC Department of Health and Hospital.


Robert Sanborn is no stranger to Greenburgh. Robert worked for WESTHAB and was instrumental in advocating for the approval of affordable housing in town. He was a passionate advocate, hard working, had good people skills and really believed in helping people. And—most important of all he was successful in getting government to listen and to approve affordable housing in Greenburgh and around the region. Robert helped the less fortunate find a better quality of life through his housing advocacy and he and his wife are now continuing to help families cope with dementia and Alzheimer’s by courageously sharing their stories and experiences. I have always admired Robert for being a terrific person.


The link to the story about Robert Sanborn in the Dispatch is below. I hope that families who are experiencing memory loss issues will attend tomorrow’s presentation. And- want to thank the Rivertowns Dispatch for their excellent and informative articles.


Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: NYC Basket Brigade.

Anna Olivo has lived in Hartsdale since 1981. She is one of the organizers of the NYC Basket Brigade that feed people in our community for many years.

She is looking for  volunteers who can assist in preparing Thanksgiving food baskets for families in need.  They will be doing prep work Monday November 18 to Friday November 22 and assembly of baskets at Our Lady of Shkodra Church, 561 West Hartsdale Ave. Saturday, November 23rd 9 AM to 3 PM (shifts) loading baskets for pickup.

The NYC Basket Brigade, a 501©3 feeding families in Westchester and NYC, provides complete Thanksgiving dinners to battered women and children in the Bronx, Nazareth House in NYC, various churches and schools in the Bronx and Westchester and a Bronx soup kitchen. They feed over 900 families a year and don’t want to leave anyone out.


Also, to volunteer please visit our NEW website

 Greenburgh Town SUpervisor

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Free Thanksgiving meals offered to residents in need--one must RSVP.

Enjoy fresh turkey meal with all the fixings at the Health Center at 295 Knollwood Road.


Elmsford business Central Turf & Irrigation Supply is again serving a hot lunch to those in need at the Westchester Community Health Center on Thanksgiving Day. This is the third year that free meals are being donated to residents in need. We encourage individuals and families to join us for a fresh turkey meal with all the fixings at 295 Knollwood Road, White Plains (back entrance) on Nov 28 from 11:30 am – 1 pm prepared by DeCiccio & Sons in a festive atmosphere.


There are a limited number of spots, dining in preferred. Tickets are required for entry – please arrange to get your tickets by visiting the WCHC or calling/emailing the Town Supervisor’s Office at, 914-989-1540.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Greenburgh school district looking for new Superintendent- take their survey.

Reminder: this is a holiday week. Check your sanitation calendar.

Remember- this is a holiday week. Check your sanitation schedule.  

In October 2024, the Greenburgh Central School District Board of Education began a nationwide search for a Superintendent of Schools . The new Superintendent will begin on July 1, 2025.

The School district is independent of the town. The School Board has  hired McPherson and Jacobsen, LLC | Executive Recruitment and Development to assist with this process.

Here is a link to their website:

Finding the right match for our District is critical to the future health and success of the educational programs the Greenburgh school district  offer. They are serious in adhering to the process of the search and need your participation.

The Board believes that active parent and community involvement is critical for both the development of a child as well as for the success of a public school district. 

We know your involvement in this search process will result in finding viable candidates to serve as our Superintendent.

Please take a moment to complete the survey at the following link:


Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks....