Thursday, May 9, 2019

News from the Town of Greenburgh.

The Greenburgh Water Department will continue  its maintenance program to operate and flush fire hydrants for the week beginning Monday May 13, 2019 thru Friday, May 24, 2019. This action is necessary to make sure the fire hydrants are in good working order in case of emergencies and to help flush sediment out of the distribution system.

The hydrant flushing and operating action will take place during the day from 9:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M. Greenburgh Water District Customers in the neighborhoods listed and the immediate vicinity should expect temporary periods of discolored water and lowered pressure resulting from this maintenance operation. This discoloration consists primarily of harmless silt and air and does not affect the safety of the water.   For further information, customers may contact the Greenburgh Water Department at 914-993-1592 or visit the Town website
PAYNE DISTRICT & BEAVER HILL SECTION, including roads near Mayfair and Hevelyn Road, Cabot Ave., N. Lawn Ave., N. Evarts Ave., Endicott Ave., Abbott Ave., Old Country Rd., Catskill Pl., Sears Ave., Eastward Rd., Westward Rd.
TAYLOR RD., including roads near Bayberry Rd., Ox ridge Rd., Heather Lane, Campbell Pl., North St., South St., Montgomery Ave.
EXECUTIVE BLVD.,  including roads near Westchester Plaza, Hunter Lane, Broadway Plaza, Grasslands Rd., Clearbrook Rd., saw Mill River Rd.
FAIRVIEW PARK DRIVE,  including roads near Fieldcrest Dr., Ridgeview Dr.,  Saw Mill River Rd., Old Saw Mill River Rd., Coca-Cola, MSG/Bio Med Facility.
WAREHOUSE LANE, including roads near N. PayneSt., Nepperhan Ave., Lamont St., Haven St., Hayes St.
Please be advised that flushing may cause water pressure variations and discoloration of water. This does not represent a health hazard. However, customers are cautioned to determine if the water is clear before washing clothes (or any other processing) as staining may occur. If you experience discoloration in your water after crews have been flushing in your neighborhood, clear the pipes in your home by running cold water faucets for a few minutes. The water is absolutely safe. However, to avoid any inconvenience, we suggest you monitor the water before doing any laundry and keep water in the refrigerator for drinking and cooking.

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Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

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