Last winter I met with Dongming Cai who expressed interest in forming a Chinese American organization in Greenburgh. We sent out an e blast inviting local Chinese residents to join the committee. This is her report. We're thrilled to be a diverse community and appreciate the involvement of all different ethnicities in Greenburgh life. If you'd like to join the committee the contact info is below.
Here is a brief summary of recent and upcoming activities of the ACA:
On June 21st, the ACA hosts our first annual BBQ party at Secor Woods Park. We had ~110 adults and kids of 27 families from our Association participating the event. The weather was gorgeous and everyone had a great time! Several new families got the chance of meeting each other. Authentic Chinese food was brought in as potluck style to share with. Activities such as face painting, magic show and tug war were the highlights of this party.
Since we first started the ACA in February with about 10 families, we have decided not to limit ourselves within Ardsley School district. Instead we open to all residents in neighborhood areas. We are now with a group of 40+ families and the Association continuously grows every day. We have families living in Hasting, Irvington, Scarsdale, Edgemont, Ardsley, Hartsdale, and White Plains. The goals are to promote better communication and integration of Chinese-American families. With the support of Greenburgh town, we have been hosting monthly discussions of important topics relevant to kids' education and family communication.
Moving forward, we plan to focus on various activities to increase Chinese cultural awareness and to better support our community. We will work with local town cable TV broadcasting staff to develop TV programs with mini shows talking about Chinese-American families, stories from people we know or families of our ACA members. We try to highlight the path and development of Chinese Americans and discuss topics relevant to challenges and solutions around issues like cultural conflicts, racial inequalities and discrimination.
We hope through these TV programs that we can let others know us better and understand where we come from and how eager we would like to integrate with the rest of the community.
Thanks again for your support!
ACA Committee
A few years ago some residents were alarmed when they heard loud noises -unexpectedly. They asked me to advise them in advance when I heard of fireworks displays. On July 3rd Sunningdale Country Club (Underhill Road) will hold a private fireworks display from 9 PM to 9:30 PM. This is private. You won't be allowed on the grounds of Sunningdale if you are not a member.
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