Thursday, October 31, 2019

News from Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner: a really fun Halloween event tonight from 6:30 PM at the TDYCC.

It maybe raining outside but all the haunted fun will take place within the Theodore D. Young Community Center (TDYCC) facility this evening beginning at 6:30 pm!

Bring your child, dressed in their favorite costume, to TDYCC for a safe experience filled with sweets and shrills!  The Theodore Young Community Center is located at 32 Manhattan Ave, White PLains (off of Route 119).

I have attended this event in the past. It's really fun, well organized and small children might want to hold your hand because it could be scary!

Every year since I have been Town Supervisor I have driven with the Police Chief during the evening hours - patrolling areas around town that were subjected to mischief in years past. We have also knocked on doors where there were problems to make sure that residents are safe. In recent years there have been very few or no incidents but I want to continue the practice.  IF you would like our new Police Chief, Brian Ryan to stop by your house -after 8 PM tonight please e mail me at  Our police department will continue to allocate the resources necessary to keep our community safe.


Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paul Feiner, Greenburgh Town Supervisor: update on condition of 2 children who were hit by car... what we can do to make Central Ave near Sacred Heart Church safer.

Update on condition of 2 children who were hit by car...

Detectives advise that the 11 year old child is progressing nicely and may be released from the  hospital as early as today. The 14 year old is in a medically induced coma resultant to his condition - swelling. He is still listed critical but stable. Hopefully time is his ally as he fights to recover from his traumatic injury.

I have written to the NYS Department of Transportation and will ask them to review the following safety suggestions proposed by the Hartsdale Neighbors Association. Central Ave is a NYS owned road so any safety improvements at this location must be approved and implemented by the state.

Will also reach out to State Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins and Assemblyman Tom Abinanti and ask for their help to make this location safer.   We have had successes in the past in persuading NYS to make improvements so getting something accomplished is realistic.. In recent years NYS has improved crosswalks at Jackson Ave/Ravensdale and in 2018 NYS implemented a suggestion we made to install a left turn arrow on Underhill/Old Army Road.

In connection with Four Corners revitalization, a pedestrian island for safe harbor in crossing has been advocated. Such an island, with lighting, could be extended from the corners up a number of blocks to cover the residential corridor.  The roadway is 60 feet wide at that point and most likely could accommodate it.

Better lighting overall in this dark area needs to be explored as does the speed at which traffic travels.

As we understand it, the kids were crossing Central.  There is a crosswalk by the church but it has no lighting by the cemetery, on the west side of Central. The signage to designate the crosswalk is literally right at the crosswalk going south: there does not appear to be advance notice of it.

A rotary, which we discussed with the Planning Board, could slow down traffic on the “speedway” stretch between Harvard and Four Corners, and need to be considered.

Other suggestions made by residents.

a blinking light

No pleading down on points, fines if motorists caught speeding near school zones (will reach out to state lawmakers and the Judges on this).

I intend to organize a major lobbying effort to get something accomplished at this location. If you'd like to get involved please e mail me at


Saturday, October 19, 2019

Lucas Cioffi Independent for Greenburgh Town Supervisor: INVITATION: Greenburgh Town Supervisor Debates & Forums Oct 21, 22, 28.

f you live in Greenburgh -- including Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings, Irvington, Tarrytown, or unincorporated (Edgemont, Hartsdale, Fairview) -- this is the first time you can vote for a new town supervisor in a general election in over a decade.

You are Invited:
• Oct 21: League of Women Voters Debate, Greenburgh Public Library (300 Tarrytown Rd, Elmsford) @ 6:30pm
• Oct 22: Hartsdale Neighbors Association Forum, St Paul's United Methodist Church (130 N Central Ave, Hartsdale) @ 7pm
• Oct 28: NAACP Candidates Forum, Theodore D. Young Community Center (32 Manhattan Ave, White Plains) @ 7pm

Vote "Lucas Cioffi" Independent - November 5th. Please mark your calendars.

Early voting starts Oct 26th: details about early voting and absentee ballots.

Please share the simplified message about our campaign with your friends and neighbors:
1. Place a two-year freeze on town tax levies
2. Use real community involvement to get the budget and spending under control
3. Significantly increase openness and accountability
4. Implement term limits

My name is Lucas Cioffi, and I am running against Paul Feiner for Greenburgh Town Supervisor November 5th.

Here is our full 8-page platform. Thank you for your consideration.

Lucas Cioffi
Candidate for Greenburgh Town Supervisor
Greenburgh, NY

PS - You are receiving this email, because you receive our town's email updates. The New York State Committee on Open Government has confirmed that candidates running for office in Greenburgh may use the email list as long as we do not use it for fundraising purposes.  Please let me know if you'd like to unsubscribe, and thank you for your time!

Town of Greenburgh Events Calendar: TODAY IS SPOOKTOBERFEST!

The Town of Greenburgh Department of Parks and Recreation would like to announce their annual Spooktoberfest event will be held on Saturday, October 19th from 12 noon- 4:30pm, (rain or shine) at the Hart’s Brook Park on Preserve, 156 Ridge Road in Hartsdale.
Spooktoberfest is the ideal   family event where children can climb on inflatable rides, get their face painted, take  a hay ride through  the woods, visit with the animals from the Greenburgh Nature Center, and be  entertained by  musicians, clowns,   jugglers and the Bubble Bus!
 New for 2019 is the Westchester Circus Arts “aerial show”! Feast on food from several of Westchester’s favorite  vendors including, The Grub Truck, The Melt Mobile,   Gyro Uno Truck, and the  Java Crave Café.

Tickets are only $6.00 per person and children under 2 years old are free!    Listed below is the     entertainment schedule:
         “Larger than Life”:  DJ:  12 noon – 4:30pm
           Confetti Clowns:  12:45   - 1:15pm
          “Push for Heat” Band:  1:00 -3:00pm
            Bubble Bus: 1:00-3:00pm
            Westchester Circus Arts:  1:45 -2:15
            The “Great Charlini” Magician: 2:30 -3:15
            Westchester Circus Arts: 3:30 -3:50
            Ned Gelfars, Comedy Juggler: 4:00 – 4:30 pm
            Greenburgh Nature Center Petting Zoo and Cider Press
 All parking and ticket sales for this event will be at Ridge Road Park, which is directly across from the Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve. Shuttle buses will be available from Ridge Road Park to the event. Directions and further information is available on the town’s website:
For further information, please call 989-1822, or email

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Lucas Cioffi Independent Candidate for Greenburgh Town Supervisor: What Mr. Feiner failed to mention in this morning's email.

 This morning Mr. Feiner emailed you half of the story about WestHELP. Here's what he left out.

For a decade the town was receiving $1,200,000 per year from an organization called WestHELP which provided housing for single moms and their kids. Today, Mr. Feiner failed to mention that he let the lease expire in 2011 even though WestHELP wanted to renew it. The property then fell into disrepair even though his administration was obligated to maintain it.

That means that at the previous rate, we missed out on a total of $8.4 million over the past 7 years. More importantly, it means that hundreds of moms and kids missed out on affordable housing.

Vote "Lucas Cioffi" Independent - November 5th. Please mark your calendars.

Under the terms of the new agreement the town is now only getting an average of $54,000 per year through 2031. That's $11,000,000 -- yes $11 million -- less than we would have received over the next 10 years.

You don't have to take my word for it. Last year a senior democrat in our county government declared the town committed a "mortal sin" by leaving 108 affordable apartments vacant for six years. Link to article.

In 2012, the Daily Voice reported, "A group of Westchester County legislators soundly rejected Greenburgh's proposal to transform a vacant homeless housing complex into a school for the developmentally disabled, then told town officials they have no one to blame but themselves for the lack of support."

When people ask me what I am going to differently, I tell them that I'm going to do our town's business out in the open. For example, that means publicly documenting the status of all major projects online. If Mr. Feiner had documented the WestHELP project appropriately over the years, we residents would be able to hold him accountable for his email this morning where he left out critical facts.

Unfortunately Mr. Feiner's lost revenue turns into higher taxes for all of us.

My name is Lucas Cioffi, and I am running against Paul Feiner for Greenburgh Town Supervisor November 5th.

If you live anywhere in Greenburgh -- including Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings, Irvington, Tarrytown, or unincorporated (Edgemont, Hartsdale, Fairview) -- this is the first time you can vote for a new town supervisor in a general election in over a decade.

Thank you for your consideration.

Lucas Cioffi
Candidate for Greenburgh Town Supervisor
Greenburgh, NY

PS - You are receiving this email, because you receive our town's email updates. The New York State Committee on Open Government has confirmed that candidates running for office in Greenburgh may use the email list as long as we do not use it for fundraising purposes.  Please let me know if you'd like to unsubscribe, and thank you for your time!

For context, here is the full text of Mr. Feiner's email this morning:
The closing related to the WestHELP/Mayfair Senior Housing Project is scheduled for both Wednesday, October 16th (today) and Thursday, October 17th. The town will receive $600,000 payment under the ground lease negotiated with Westchester County over a year ago. Marathon will convert the abandoned homeless shelter into 74 affordable senior housing apartments for seniors 62 years of age and older. Marathon Development Corporation already owns 90, 100 Manhattan Ave and 33 Oak Street and has experience managing affordable housing in the county.

The WestHELP homeless shelter used to house 108 homeless individuals. Former County Executive Rob Astorino closed down the shelter- which was built by Andrew Cuomo when his father was Governor in the 1980s.

The senior housing development has the support of the Mayfair Knollwood Civic Association which participated in the discussions leading to the decision of the town to support converting the shelter into affordable housing.

Prior to the decision to convert the WestHELP senior housing into 74 affordable housing units the town had supported a plan that would have knocked down the shelter and replaced it with a new home for Ferncliff Manor, a school for developmentally disabled children. Many Westchester officials objected-and the town decided to support affordable housing at the location instead.

There is a great need for affordable housing for seniors. The existing buildings are beautiful and once the renovations are complete will be enjoyed by seniors. The location is also great- on the grounds of Westchester Community College. This will provide seniors with the chance to audit classes at the college and interact with students.

It is expected that the renovations will take over a year to complete--before the seniors start moving in.


Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks....