Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paul Feiner, Greenburgh Town Supervisor: update on condition of 2 children who were hit by car... what we can do to make Central Ave near Sacred Heart Church safer.

Update on condition of 2 children who were hit by car...

Detectives advise that the 11 year old child is progressing nicely and may be released from the  hospital as early as today. The 14 year old is in a medically induced coma resultant to his condition - swelling. He is still listed critical but stable. Hopefully time is his ally as he fights to recover from his traumatic injury.

I have written to the NYS Department of Transportation and will ask them to review the following safety suggestions proposed by the Hartsdale Neighbors Association. Central Ave is a NYS owned road so any safety improvements at this location must be approved and implemented by the state.

Will also reach out to State Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins and Assemblyman Tom Abinanti and ask for their help to make this location safer.   We have had successes in the past in persuading NYS to make improvements so getting something accomplished is realistic.. In recent years NYS has improved crosswalks at Jackson Ave/Ravensdale and in 2018 NYS implemented a suggestion we made to install a left turn arrow on Underhill/Old Army Road.

In connection with Four Corners revitalization, a pedestrian island for safe harbor in crossing has been advocated. Such an island, with lighting, could be extended from the corners up a number of blocks to cover the residential corridor.  The roadway is 60 feet wide at that point and most likely could accommodate it.

Better lighting overall in this dark area needs to be explored as does the speed at which traffic travels.

As we understand it, the kids were crossing Central.  There is a crosswalk by the church but it has no lighting by the cemetery, on the west side of Central. The signage to designate the crosswalk is literally right at the crosswalk going south: there does not appear to be advance notice of it.

A rotary, which we discussed with the Planning Board, could slow down traffic on the “speedway” stretch between Harvard and Four Corners, and need to be considered.

Other suggestions made by residents.

a blinking light

No pleading down on points, fines if motorists caught speeding near school zones (will reach out to state lawmakers and the Judges on this).

I intend to organize a major lobbying effort to get something accomplished at this location. If you'd like to get involved please e mail me at


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Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

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