Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lucas Cioffi, Independent for Greenburgh Town Supervisor: Message to Taxpayers in Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings, Irvington, Tarrytown.

 One way to reduce village taxes is by sharing services with the town of Greenburgh.

Sharing services is only possible when villages trust the town, but unfortunately it's hard to trust our town government which was found to have destroyed evidence in a 2012 federal court ruling. The case was called Fortress Bible vs. Feiner which the town settled for $6.5 million and is currently paying $700,000 per year through 2024.

Vote "Lucas Cioffi" Independent - November 5th. Please mark your calendars.

Recent changes to federal tax laws put new pressure on our homeowners. If village residents want to explore ways to share services with the town of Greenburgh, I will welcome this conversation when I am elected as the next town supervisor.

From 2017 through January 2019 I lived with my family in the village of Hastings-on-Hudson and I know firsthand why village residents love having separate services with local control.

To respect the villages, village residents and leaders will drive this conversation -- not the town.

Over the past 10 years, local leaders have been hesitant to have this conversation, but the new tax law has changed the landscape dramatically. The time to start this conversation is now. Having spoken with 2000 village residents during this campaign, I know that reducing village taxes is their number one concern and that sharing services is single most important way the town can help.

The town's last shared services study is a decade old. It indicated that village residents with a $500,000 home could save $940/year through just a partial (not full) consolidation of police services. I am not saying this or any other specific change should happen; as mentioned before, this conversation must be driven by village residents and leaders, and my administration at the town level will be there to support the effort.

We must remember that consolidating does save taxpayer dollars, however it also reduces some jobs for people who work in village government, and these are public servants. This conversation -- if it is to be had at all -- must be had respectfully and with compassion. We must address this before the next recession so that we can avoid drastic cuts. We must offer employees attractive buyouts that honor their years of service.

My name is Lucas Cioffi, and I am running against Paul Feiner for Greenburgh Town Supervisor.  If you live anywhere in Greenburgh -- including Ardsley, Dobbs Ferry, Elmsford, Hastings, Irvington, Tarrytown, or unincorporated (Edgemont, Hartsdale, Fairview) -- this is the first time you can vote for a new town supervisor in a general election in over a decade.

Lucas Cioffi
Candidate for Greenburgh Town Supervisor
Greenburgh, NY
Website: https://www.greenburgh.us

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