Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Statement from Paul Feiner, Greenburgh Town Supervisor.

Election results from last night
Paul Feiner 10,974  68%
Lucas J. Cioffi  5,190  32%  (unofficial results from Board of Elections website)

Please allow me to take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation to all those Greenburgh residents who voted for me. I am honored to have your support and equally honored to continue in my role as Greenburgh Town Supervisor.  At the same time, I also wish to thank those of our neighbors who did not vote for me, as I believe that the right to vote is central to our democracy and I respect each person’s individual right to vote their conscience.  I will work hard for you whether you voted for me or not.


To all our neighbors, please allow me to pledge once again, that I will continue to work my hardest, to represent each and every member of our community equally, to the best of my ability.  After 28 years as Town Supervisor, 8 years as a member of the Westchester County  Board of Legislators, I have found that learning is an ongoing process and that the ability to accept criticism, grow from it, incorporate those lessons and move forward with new and fresh ideas, is critical.  With this thought my opponent Mr. Cioffi has made several suggestions regarding communication and the modernization of our web sites and reporting structures, which I believe have merit. I invite Mr. Cioffi to join with me in reviewing the current systems and  studying how we as a Town might implement changes which would benefit our communities. 

In the past few years, we have worked hard to make the decision making process more inclusive in Greenburgh, forming committees of community members to review proposed development projects in their neighborhood and adding skilled community volunteers with expertise in personnel, insurance, contract, bidding and finance to provide the breadth of their knowledge and expertise to the processes of administering our government.  I truly believe in this model and  hope to further expand to other areas of community involvement.  I look forward to and welcome participation from members of our community.


Greenburgh is an extraordinarily special place to live. The diversity of our residents, the wonderful manner in which we react and respond to each other, the spectacular park lands and recreation options we possess, and the wonderful commercial resources available, all contribute to the desirability of our community.

However, the supports provided by the Greenburgh Town Board, our skilled Commissioners and Department heads and most important those dedicated wonderful members of our staff, who have taken care of our families for decades, as if we were part of theirs, cannot be underestimated.

It is important that these wonderful individuals be recognized.  Thank you to all our staff and to our administration and the members of the Town Board.


I believe that over the past three years, the Edgemont incorporation process, which will be decided in the NYS Supreme Court in the coming year, has created dissension, both within Edgemont and between Edgemont and the balance of the residents of the Unincorporated town and villages. In my role as Town Supervisor and as clearly proscribed by the New York State Village law, I have had a central role in determining the legal “sufficiency” of the Edgemont incorporation Committees’ petition.

I want to make clear to my constituency certain points regarding my role and the decision making process.  First, Edgemont has an absolute right, based upon the existing NYS Village law, to petition for incorporation and I absolutely support that right under the law. However, with this right comes a legal obligation to meet the requirements of the law, which I equally support.  Regardless of my personal opinion on the issue of incorporation, my role has been and continues to be, ensuring that I fulfill my responsibility in stringently  following the requirements of the statutes, a role I take seriously and which ensures the protection of all concerned. I will always endeavor to ensure the protections of the existing law for all of the residents of the communities.

Yesterday’s election turnout was much larger than anticipated. I hope that those who voted will participate in the decision making processes of government. If you have the interest and time please e mail me at or call me at 478-1219(home and private cell), 438-1343 (cell) or 989 1545 (office).  

Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to serve you for another term in office.


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