Monday, February 28, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Share your photos of Greenburgh-celebrate the towns beauty.


A distraction from the pandemic and from worries about a World War III.


SHARE PHOTOS OF GREENBURGH---a Greenburgh distraction initiative for those who have worried about Covid and now are worried about  a World War III.


I am guessing, if you’re feeling anything like I am, you are absolutely “sick and tired” of having spent  the majority of your time indoors due to appropriate fears related to Covid infection, coupled with what seems to be an endless number of cold, dank, rainy/snowy, dark days.  It's been a difficult two years.  And, even after hearing some recent good news about the pandemic (being able to go indoors mask-less) we're getting anxious about the possibility of another World War.  We need a distraction.


I was speaking recently with staff members and residents who were relating to the overall sense of malaise that so many of us are experiencing during these difficult times. A wonderful and brilliant suggestion was proposed. Together as a community, let’s celebrate the beauty of Greenburgh through photographs. In a world where everyone has a smartphone with a camera, I am sure there are thousands of beautiful photographs of new landscape designs at your home, interesting architecture, sunsets, birds, and animals in our parks and anything else that you may have captured in a photograph, which made you smile.


We all need a little break and what could be better than to be reminded just how beautiful our community is and just how much our neighbors and we have in common. I  am looking forward to spending more time on my bicycle speaking with residents  working in their gardens and getting to speak with them at their homes.  I love making bike calls - asking residents what we can do at the town government level to make their lives better. And, will also share photos with the community.


To this end, we have created a special Greenburgh Shares photo album on our town website, which we hope to fill with around-town photos that make you smile. The photos will be posted here:

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Greenburgh Insider: New York State Assemblyman Tom Abinanti 92nd District: Greenburgh: Black Lives Matter.


Our community is united against racism. I support Greenburgh's education effort to impress on everyone that racism is unacceptable. Greenburgh is setting an example for every community. 

New York State Assemblyman Tom Abinanti 92nd District

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Should outdoor dining continue on E Hartsdale Ave and at other restaurants in Greenburgh?


Town Board will discuss extending outdoor sidewalk cafes and outdoor seating on Tuesday during our work session.


An article in the Hudson Independent (see link below) indicated that the Village of Tarrytown is set to take action to continue outdoor dining this spring.  I have asked the Greenburgh Town Board to discuss taking similar action --allowing all restaurants to offer outdoor seating options for their customers.  I have asked that this be placed on the agenda of the Town Board work session this Tuesday.

Prior to the pandemic there was no outdoor sidewalk cafes and outdoor seating at restaurants.   The Hartsdale Parking district gave up some parking spots to make it possible for E Hartsdale Ave restaurants to offer restaurant customers this service --which, in my opinion, added character to the downtown area and helped many of the restaurants survive.  It's enjoyable sitting outdoors, taking advantage of the nice weather and observing people walk to and from different local shops and restaurants.

There are downsides to any action we take. Loss of revenue from the fewer parking meters is one.  But, if restaurant customers eat on the Avenue they will have to park in the garage -generating some revenue and offsetting the parking space losses.  Without outdoor seating these customers might eat at restaurants in other communities.  Another complaint:  some cars double parked on the Avenue --creating traffic issues.

I think the pluses outweigh the negative.  And, believe that the Town Board should again authorize outdoor dining options to restaurants in Greenburgh.  And hope that the change would be permanent.  What do you think?  If you like the idea of outdoor dining do you have suggestions so restaurants and the town can do this better?  It's important that we do whatever we can to help our local businesses  and restaurants survive. Eliminating the outdoor dining could result in the loss of additional restaurants.

E mail   The Board will start the discussion this Tuesday at our work session.

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Helpful info and financial help- if you can't afford your Con Ed bill.


There are some programs available to help.

Many are struggling this winter with increases in home heating costs.  I have received numerous e mails and phone calls from residents in recent days - complaining about their enormous Con Ed bills. The following info may be helpful to some people.  If you hear of any other programs that are worth sharing with Greenburgh residents, please advise me at

You may be eligible for help paying heating and utility expenses to avoid potential service interruptions during the cold weather months through the federally funded Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) for low- and middle-income residents.

Another available resource is New York's Energy Affordability Policy (EAP) that requires the state's major electric and natural gas utilities to provide monthly bill discounts to income eligible customers. 

To enroll in the utility bill discount program, customers should contact their individual utility:

  • Con Edison customers can find information here: 
  • Hope this info is helpful.  


Friday, February 25, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Recycling/garbage pickup has not been cancelled today for those who get pickup on Friday.


Because of road conditions pickup could be later than usual.

Received some calls from residents who want to know about garbage/recycling pickup. It's on. But, pickup could be late due to the freezing rain.  Be careful when walking on the road. After each freezing rain storm there are always slip and fall situations.  


Greenburgh Insider: Greenburgh library delayed opening --noon.


freezing rain- delayed opening at the library

The Greenburgh Library will open at noon today. 


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Breaking News: Election Desk 2022: Greenburgh Democratic Town Committee Unanimously Endorses Judge Erin McGoey for 2022 Elections.


Election 2022 Breaking News: Greenburgh Democratic Town Committee Unanimously Endorses Judge Erin McGoey to run on the Democratic Party Line for 2022 Elections for a Full 4 Year Term as Justice of the Greenburgh Town Court. We offer the Most Comprehensive Coverage in the 2022 Elections.

Greenburgh Insider Publisher Delfim Heusler

Greenburgh Insider: Free Covid Rapid Test Kits at Greenburgh Library.


Get a free Covid test kit at the library --without waiting on a line!

Free COVID tests kits are limited to one per family on a first-come, first-serve basis while supplies last. Each kit contains two tests and may be picked up at the Circulation Desk at the Greenburgh Public Library during operating hours.


The kit includes simple instructions to

self-administer the test.

Paul Feiner


The tests expire in May, so don't delay!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Westchester County Legislator Mary Jane Shimsky 12th District: The Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee Presents: An Honest Discussion on Racism.


Join the Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee for an honest discussion about the Black experience in Greenburgh including identifying how and where racism is experienced by Black people in Greenburgh and how the community can join together to support Black lives. 

Moderated by AJ Woodson and Tasha Young

This program is sponsored by the Greenburgh Human Rights Advisory Committee. 

For more info contact:

To register visit,

Greenburgh Insider: Con Ed reported $1.5 billion in profits --and they are raising our rates!


Con Ed shareholders should profit less.

Why should Con Ed be allowed to raise our rates while reporting  obscene profits that exceeded $1.5 billion dollars in 2021? The company has $63 million in assets.

In recent days I have received numerous complaints from Greenburgh residents who are shocked at the enormous Con Ed bills we all are being asked to pay. Bills are at an all time high  There is no end in sight for the high Con Ed bills we can expect to receive. Con Ed plans an additional 11.2% increase in electric rates next year and an 18.2% increase in gas bills in 2023.

I believe that the New York State Legislature pass legislation directing the Public Service Commission not to approve large rate hikes when the company is reporting excessive profits. Let Con Ed shareholders profit less so customers could have more affordable utllity bills. Profits of Con Ed should be an important factor  that determines the rates Con Ed charges us.  I will be reaching out to the PSC, the Governor and to area Legislators.  Please join me in contacting your lawmakers!

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Westchester County Legislator Jewel Williams Johnson 8th District: Exploring Our Health Impacts and Needs.


Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

At the Westchester County Board of Legislators, we do our work through a committee system.

Every decision we make -- about budgets, parks, roads, new laws, and more -- begins with consideration in our committees. And each of our 14 committees has a particular area of oversight over the rest of County government.

I'm excited that in the 2022-2023 legislative term I will be Chairing the Boards' Health Committee and we are taking a deep dive into the COVID-19 pandemic, its long-term physical and mental health impacts, especially on our children and our elderly.  We will also spotlight the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes.  Additionally, our meetings will focus on individuals with disabilities, lead levels in the water, conflict resolution, preventative healthcare, suicide prevention, and drug/opioid overdoses. 

I want to thank Chairwoman Catherine Borgia for the opportunity to Chair this committee, and I want stress how seriously I, our committee members and staff, take our duties and responsibilities.

Committee meetings are in process, and  as always, committee will be streamed live on our website.  You can check the “Meeting Calendar” section at for a list of upcoming meetings, links to agendas and other documents, as well as live streaming and archived video.

I look forward to keeping you informed about the committee's upcoming work, and invite you to reach out to me with any thoughts about matters you think our committee should be considering.

For more about this year's BOL committee assignments, please visit:

A complete list of this term's committee assignments is available at

Jewel Williams Johnson


Greenburgh Insider: Con Ed rates vs. ESCO rates explained--ESCOs only represent about 1/3rd of a typical bill.


Your Con Ed bills have skyrocketed. Sustainable Westchester's ESCO rates are currently less expensive than Con Ed but ESCOs only represent about one third of a typical bill.

Are you upset with your Con Ed bills? If yes, you are not alone. Con Ed rates have skyrocketed and many residents have contacted me and other elected officials to complain.


There are two portions of your monthly bill ---one that you have no control over and one that you do. Two thirds of your Con Ed bill is for delivery charges. Con Ed is a monopoly and you have no option to use another supplier of delivery costs. Everyone (whether they are enrolled in Sustainable Westchester's ESCO or Con Ed) is experiencing larger bills.


There is competition for the supply portion of your Con Ed bill. You can enroll in an ESCO. This portion of your bill represents about one third of your total bill. Greenburgh and many other communities in Westchester have entered into an agreement with Sustainable Westchester to provide competition to Con Ed for the supply costs.  Everyone is enrolled in the ESCO unless you have opted out or have joined another ESCO.

The Sustainable Westchester ESCO is a fixed rate. Our contract ends in June and during the life of the contract (which started in January, 2021) rates were fixed at 7.41 cents. They can't go up and can't go down. Those rates are still 7.41 cents for 100% renewable and 6.75 cents for Standard supply. They are good until June 30th after which point we'll have a new contract. If the market stays like this, the new rates at that point will likely go up to some unknown degree. All customers would get a notification letter with the new rates and could opt out (or change supply) then if they choose.  

Currently, the fixed rates for the ESCO is better for consumers than Con Ed rates. But, that was not always the case. Last year there were months when Con Ed rates were lower than the ESCO. I anticipate that in the coming months the Sustainable Westchester rates will be more favorable than Con Ed's.

If you are not in the program now, that means either:
  1. You had opted out at some earlier point: after opting out once, we would not include you in subsequent mailings / automatic opt ins. People who opt out can opt back in at any time however.
  2. You have been with a private ESCO supplier: Is it possible you are with an ESCO that has a variable rate that has shot up also? Or you were with one and that contract just finished recently?
  3. You have a block on your account: Maybe you had an unpleasant experience with and ESCO, called Con Ed and they suggested that  you could do this. With a utility block, you cannot join a private supplier until you call Con Ed to remove the block.
  4. You are with the utilities Home Energy Assistance Program: Customers in this program cannot participate in the community energy program
It should be understood that it does take a finite amount of time to enroll (or exit, which you can do at any time) in Westchester Power because it happens on your next meter read date, not instantaneously. If that meter read is very soon - say, in the next couple of days,  chances are you would not be enrolled until the subsequent read date.

If you are interested in opting in to Westchester Power, you can do so easily on the website at, or call their office at 914-242-4725. 

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Monday, February 21, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: A Presidents day? What President almost moved to 74 Ardsley Road?


74 Ardsley Road in Greenburgh almost became a footnote in Presidential history!

Today is President's Day- a day connected to Washington but broadened to include  all Presidents.  I thought  readers would enjoy reading about President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton's almost move to Edgemont (74 Ardsley Road) back in 1999 at the end of the Clinton Presidency. The Washington Post said (August 16) that the Clinton's  "interrupting a weekend at Camp David, they flew on  a small Air Force Jet to Suburban Westchester County...among the five properties they saw was a seven bedroom, $1.7 million house  2 and a half acres in the Greenburgh hamlet of Edgemont, walking distance from Scarsdale."   The NY Observer said  on 9/27/99  that the Clinton's almost ended up, the house in Edgemont, that was the inside favorite to be their San Clamente 74 Ardsley Road. This is a magnificent estate. The driveway climbs dramatically through a deep cut in a wall of rock to get to a grand old colonial clipboard house on more than three acres." The Edgemont house was the focus of attention in many other  publications and media outlets around the nation.  And neighbors who lived on Ardsley Road enjoyed the temporary  national attention when the house was the rumored favorite location.

Although the Clinton's loved the house and area the Secret Service did not like the idea of the soon to be former President moving to a location on a very busy road. So, the house was not purchased by the President. Although many residents of Greenburgh would have loved the prestige of having a former President  live in our town, there would have been lots of overtime costs for our police  and traffic related issues.  On the positive side - the Clinton's have been involved in community activities in Chappaqua, march in local Memorial Day parades, attend local functions and they interact with residents at restaurants,  and local shops. It could have been fun. Our town almost became a footnote in Presidential history!


PS: Can anyone think of any other examples --connecting Greenburgh to our Presidents?  Please e mail me info at

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: AARP offers free assistance with tax preparation.


Make an appointment for free help from AARP - assistance offered at the Theodore Young Community Center.

Need help with your tax preparation?  AARP is able to help on Friday's and Saturday's at the Theodore Young Community Center (by appointment).

AARP will help residents with tax prep on Friday's and Saturday's by appointment at the Theodore Young Community Center, 32 Manhattan Ave White Plains. 

***COVID-19 PROCEDURES ENFORCED*** Fridays, 9:30am – 2:30pm & Saturdays, 9:00am – 3:00pm by Appointment Only in Classroom AB services available thru Saturday, April 16  Call 914-989-3600 to schedule TWO appointments with the DCR/TDYCC staff: (1) for intake and document scanning and (1) for return review and sign-off (appointments will usually be 7 days apart) - Pick-up and sign for a Taxpayer Packet at the DCR/TDYCC front desk - CALL 989 3600. 

Tina Harper is coordinating this initiative for the town and for the Department of Community Resources. Her phone is 989 3620..A big thank you to AARP for their help and to the Community Center for their efforts helping residents with the tax filings.


Thursday, February 17, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Appellate Division rules that Shelbourne can build Assisted Living.


The Town has prevailed in separate litigations brought by the Greenville Fire District and The Council of Greenburgh Civic Associations to prevent construction of the proposed Shelbourne Assisted Living Facility in Edgemont.

The Town has prevailed in separate litigations brought by the Greenville Fire District and The Council of Greenburgh Civic Associations to prevent construction of the proposed Shelbourne Assisted Living Facility in Edgemont. In short, in separate decisions, the Appellant Division: Second Department found that (1)

Petitioners’ lacked standing to challenge the Town’s SEQRA determination, (2) their challenges to the Zoning Board’s grant of area variances were untimely and (3)  their challenges to the Town Board’s grant of a Special Permit to Shelbourne construct an Assisted Living Facility were without merit. Court costs have also been awarded.


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Black History Month.


Assemblymember Abinanti attended a memorable ceremony and flag raising at Greenburgh Town Hall to celebrate African-American heritage. 

Greenburgh Insider: New York State Assemblyman Thomas Abinanti 92nd District: Zoning Change.

Assemblymember Abinanti joined local gas station owners to protest the Sam's Club proposed zoning change to allow it to install gas pumps.

Greenburgh Insider: Town Board approves resolution condemning Anti Semitism.


Board directs police department to issue an annual report on Anti Semitic acts within jurisdiction.

The Greenburgh Town Board unanimously approved a resolution on Tuesday night condemning Anti Semitism. The resolution expresses our view that there is “no justification for the hatred and rhetoric  that deny Israel’s right to exist” and also points out that Holocaust denial and distortion propaganda which advances the belief that the Holocaust did not take place or minimizes the extent of the extermination of the Jews  must  be repudiated.  The resolution highlights examples of Anti Semitism in  Greenburgh, the region and around the world and directs the Greenburgh Police to provide the Town Board with an annual report on anti-Semitic Acts within its jurisdiction.

The resolution can be read by clicking on to the link below.  Special thanks to Councilman Ken Jones, Francis Sheehan, Councilwoman Ellen Hendrickx and Gina Jackson for their vote against hate, bigotry and Anti Semitism. This is just one action step that the Town Board is taking –we will continue to speak out against hate crimes against all.  

Greenburgh Town Supervisor



Bring bulk to Town Hall tomorrow (special dumpsters for your convenience).


Greenburgh Health Center    295 Knollwood Road    White Plains, New York 10607


Thursday, February 17: Town Hall Parking Lot (177 Hillside Avenue, White Plains)

Tuesday, February 22: Richard Presser Park (218 N Central Avenue, Hartsdale)

Wednesday, February 23: Taxter Road Site Parking Lot (located next to the East Irvington Nature 

Thursday, February 24: Town Hall Parking Lot (177 Hillside Avenue, White Plains)
These dumpsters will only be at these locations from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm on the above listed dates.

Paul Feiner

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks....