Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Westchester County Legislator Jewel Williams Johnson 8th District: Exploring Our Health Impacts and Needs.


Dear Friends and Neighbors, 

At the Westchester County Board of Legislators, we do our work through a committee system.

Every decision we make -- about budgets, parks, roads, new laws, and more -- begins with consideration in our committees. And each of our 14 committees has a particular area of oversight over the rest of County government.

I'm excited that in the 2022-2023 legislative term I will be Chairing the Boards' Health Committee and we are taking a deep dive into the COVID-19 pandemic, its long-term physical and mental health impacts, especially on our children and our elderly.  We will also spotlight the disparities in healthcare access and outcomes.  Additionally, our meetings will focus on individuals with disabilities, lead levels in the water, conflict resolution, preventative healthcare, suicide prevention, and drug/opioid overdoses. 

I want to thank Chairwoman Catherine Borgia for the opportunity to Chair this committee, and I want stress how seriously I, our committee members and staff, take our duties and responsibilities.

Committee meetings are in process, and  as always, committee will be streamed live on our website.  You can check the “Meeting Calendar” section at www.westchesterlegislators.com for a list of upcoming meetings, links to agendas and other documents, as well as live streaming and archived video.

I look forward to keeping you informed about the committee's upcoming work, and invite you to reach out to me with any thoughts about matters you think our committee should be considering.

For more about this year's BOL committee assignments, please visit: https://bit.ly/3zN3tbU

A complete list of this term's committee assignments is available at https://www.westchesterlegislators.com/images/PDF/2022-23-BOL-Committees.pdf

Jewel Williams Johnson


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