Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Tell us your story: did you participate in the Civil RIghts movement?


We want future generations to appreciate the efforts of some Greenburgh residents during the Civil Rights movement

This year, as part of our African American History Month acknowledgement, here in the town of Greenburgh, we feel that it is important to include a special tribute to those individuals who locked arms in support of the Civil Rights Movement.  In 2022, people of different cultures, ethnicities and economic backgrounds came together to demonstrate and uplift a united outcry for civil rights, human rights, voter rights as well as the right to teach facts about our American History regardless as to how unsettling those facts may be.  Today, many of these rights are being challenged.  Now, more than ever since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s, is there so great a need for the locking of arms, again.


If you participated in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s, please send your name and a brief statement of your involvement to Judith A. Beville, Greenburgh Town Clerk no later than Tuesday, February 22nd; email: Did you protest in Washington? Did you interact with any of the Civil Rights leaders at the national level? Tell us your story


You will be recognized at the Town Board’s meeting, Wednesday, February 23, 2022 meeting held at 7:30pm. 


Thank you!


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