Saturday, July 2, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Catherine Ludden- community hero--Nature Center asks that meadow be named "Cathy's Meadow".


Catherine Ludden is deserving of the request to name the meadow in her honor.

Link to my radio interview with Catherine

The Greenburgh Nature Center  is requesting to name the butterfly arbor and meadow “Cathy’s Meadow” in recognition of Catherine Ludden's enormous contributions to the Greenburgh Nature Center. Catherine has served as President of the center. She has been a major donor and passionate volunteer. She has designed, constructed  and devoted long hours of time and large financial donations to maintaining the meadow, butterfly, arbor, stone ring and oak circle at the nature center.  She has single handedly transformed  an abandoned apple orchard into a thriving demonstration of a valuable ecological landscape and resource that has become a teaching guide for inspiring  the planting of native gardens  throughout Westchester.

The Greenburgh Nature Center, located off of Central Ave in the Edgemont hamlet of Greenburgh, is the closest thing to paradise off of Central Ave. Rambling forest trails, flourishing native meadows, seasonal organic gardens, replica Native American Replica Village, open green spaces, playgrounds, outdoor animal habitats and an indoor live animal museum at the recently renovated Manor House. 33 Acres of spectacular gardens, trails and pond. 

The Greenburgh Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will be discussing the naming request at an upcoming meeting of their Board. I enthusiastically support the request. Catherine is one of Greenburgh's greatest assets and she is an UNSUNG HERO in our town. Over the past decade she has done so much without expecting recognition or public thanks for her efforts. SHe has made a significant positive difference to the nature center and to the town as a whole. THANK YOU. 

I interviewed Catherine on my WVOX radio program recently. A link to the interview is below:


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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