A report from our Inspector --how this problem will get resolved on a NYS owned road.
Update W Hartsdale Ave water and freezing problems...Earlier this winter many residents complained about a water main break on W Hartsdale Ave that has not been repaired. Some residents expressed concern about the waste of many thousands of gallons of water. For many weeks the water has been flowing down W Hartsdale Ave - constantly. . During cold winter days the water turned into ice causing dangerous slippery conditions. West Hartsdale Ave is a NYS owned road, not a town road. We contacted NYS Department of Transportation which has been continuously treating the area when the temperature drops with salt. They have been trying to address the problem.
Last week our code enforcement officer met with the parties and provided me with the following update. I deleted the name of the resident who has a damaged pipe from the e mail received. Sorry for the road conditions. I hope the problem is resolved to everyone's satisfaction in the near future. Be safe when driving on W Hartsdale Ave --and when driving on all roads.
As per our meeting yesterday 3/2/23 at W. Hartsdale Ave the following has been collectively agreed upon between TOG,NYSDOT and Property Owner who is responsible for a damaged pipe under driveway.
1. When weather permits and asphalt plants are open for operation (Early April). NYSDOT will create a lowered blacktop swale leading to the pipe at the driveway on W Hartsdale Ave that has caused the constant flooding, freezing on W. Hartsdale Ave.
2. Once completed, Property Owner will remove and replace damaged pipe under driveway and restore an unobstructed free flowing pathway down W. Hartsdale Ave.
Martino D’Abruzzo
Code Enforcement Officer
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