Saturday, May 6, 2023



I proposed the concept 49 years ago when former County Executive Al Del Bello appointed me to his Bikeway Committee.

We now need a crosswalk on Old Tarrytown Road/Bronx Parkway so pedestrians and cyclists can safely cross the parkway.

Bicycle Sundays resumes this Sunday from 10-2 PM on the Bronx River Parkway.

This will be the 49th year of this very popular recreation activity. I came up with the idea to close the parkway for cyclists on Sunday when I was appointed by former County Executive Al Del Bello to his bikeway committee. In 1973 I  had chaired the Task Force for Bikeways in Westchester.  

I had  organized a successful lobbying campaign that persuaded Westchester County to fund the construction of the first bikeway in Westchester -along the Bronx River Parkway in 1973. Although I was a student at that time, I was also a big pain to Legislators. I called them at their home- pleading for bikeways. I organized rallies and petition drives. And attended meetings of the Legislature.  Finally, one of the Legislators approached me with a deal--they would put money in the budget for the bikeway on the Parkway if I would agree not to show up at Westchester County Board of Legislators meetings for six months!  I agreed.    Almost 50 years later I enjoy the benefits of that agreement which resulted in the bike path. I frequently bicycle  to work on the path before crossing Old Tarrytown Road to get to Greenburgh Town Hall. My new crusade: getting a crosswalk at Old Tarrytown Road/Bronx Parkway. It's so dangerous.  I hope that Westchester will approve the crosswalk.


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Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Bd discusses possible removal of 9-11 memorial wall on Central Ave.

Tiles on the wall have not held up and the wall, if restored, might not last. Watch link to discussion Board had with Commissioner of Parks....