I proposed the concept 49 years ago when former County Executive Al Del Bello appointed me to his Bikeway Committee.
We now need a crosswalk on Old Tarrytown Road/Bronx Parkway so pedestrians and cyclists can safely cross the parkway.
Bicycle Sundays resumes this Sunday from 10-2 PM on the Bronx River Parkway.
This will be the 49th year of this very popular recreation activity. I came up with the idea to close the parkway for cyclists on Sunday when I was appointed by former County Executive Al Del Bello to his bikeway committee. In 1973 I had chaired the Task Force for Bikeways in Westchester.
I had organized a successful lobbying campaign that persuaded Westchester County to fund the construction of the first bikeway in Westchester -along the Bronx River Parkway in 1973. Although I was a student at that time, I was also a big pain to Legislators. I called them at their home- pleading for bikeways. I organized rallies and petition drives. And attended meetings of the Legislature. Finally, one of the Legislators approached me with a deal--they would put money in the budget for the bikeway on the Parkway if I would agree not to show up at Westchester County Board of Legislators meetings for six months! I agreed. Almost 50 years later I enjoy the benefits of that agreement which resulted in the bike path. I frequently bicycle to work on the path before crossing Old Tarrytown Road to get to Greenburgh Town Hall. My new crusade: getting a crosswalk at Old Tarrytown Road/Bronx Parkway. It's so dangerous. I hope that Westchester will approve the crosswalk.
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