Saturday, July 13, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Completion of Hillside sidewalk to resume this coming week.

There was a short delay to allow Con Ed to complete its work. Sidewalk should be 100% completed in about a month.

Hillside sidewalk –work to resume this coming week.

There has been a 2-fold pause, holiday-based and to allow Con Edison to complete its work. 

Fortunately Con Edison is at the 99% completion mark and this will facilitate a full relaunch by Morano (sidewalk contractor), which is scheduled for this Monday, July 15th. With Con Edison work complete, Morano will move very efficiently from July 15th for one month, at which point the project is anticipated to be finished. Finished means the full sidewalk, pedestrian signals, striping, all drainage work, and full repave for the east side of Hillside Avenue. The roadway leadups to Hillside will also be resurfaced to remove the dip.

Thank you for your patience during this project.

Paul Feiner

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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