Monday, July 29, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Greenburgh Town Bd approves lighting at W Rumbrook Park -enabling more Little League games.

The Elmsford LIttle League has over 700 members. We anticipate that lighting will enable the League to schedule 4-5 more games per week.

LIGHTS AT WEST RUMBROOK PARK APPROVED BY TOWN BOARD IN 2024 CAPITAL BUDGET—will enable Little League to have 4 to 5 more games per week.


  The Elmsford Little League is a very popular League – with over 700 participants a year. Little League members come from much of unincorporated Greenburgh- Edgemont, N Elmsford,Fairview, E Irvington. The League had requested the town to include $250,000 in the 2024 capital budget for lights to allow for more games to be played. I included the request in the 2024 proposed capital budget which was unanimously approved by the Town Board earlier this month. Lights will allow the Little League to have 4 to 5 more games per week at West Rumbrook Park. The lack of lights hurt the Little League during the spring months when it gets dark early. Increased rain events have forced cancellations.


Before the lighting was approved the leadership of the Little League knocked on doors – speaking to residents of Babbitt Court soliciting their support for the initiative.  New technology for lighting of fields are designed to control obtrusive lighting.   More and more communities are purchasing ball field lighting that supplies the illumination needed for safe play without disturbing nearby residents.


I will be asking the Town Board and town staff to start the process of planning for the construction of a sidewalk between Babbitt Court to the Little League Field and from Parkway Place to West Rumbrook Park. We need to make it safer for children and their parents to walk to the field.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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