Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Town Board Statement Regarding July 10, 2024 Resolution TB-1.

Re: Land Use Board and Committee Conflicts.

Town Board Statement Regarding July 10, 2024 Resolution TB-1 

Re: Land Use Board and Committee Conflicts.


On July 10, 2024, the Town Board voted 4-1 to enact a new policy which prohibits key members of organizations whose primary function involves land use initiatives within the Town from being members of the Town’s land use boards and committees which render decisions.  We felt it was necessary to enact this new policy to prevent potential conflicts and the appearance of impropriety associated with the decision-making process regarding land use applications before the Town.  This policy was meant to apply regardless of whether there was opportunity for compensation for the land use boards or committee members.


Unfortunately, some public comments prior to and after the official passage of this resolution included incorrect information and personal attacks.  Contrary to some statements made at our Town Board meeting and in the media, this new policy does not restrict anyone’s First Amendment rights, nor does it change the Town’s Code of Ethics or impede affordable housing within the Town in any way.   After careful consideration, the Town Board decided that it is incompatible to have members on the Planning or Zoning Boards also become members of organizations which deal directly with developers within the Town.  In fact, this policy will allow volunteers the opportunity to have a more targeted focus on affordable housing. The majority of the Town Board therefore determined that all of the necessary information had been collected and analyzed, and that the approval of TB-1 of July 10, 2024 was timely and appropriate. The crafting of TB-1 occurred in the presence of all five Board Members including  Supervisor Feiner. He was present for the three discussions that took place regarding this matter. In addition, it should be made clear that opportunities to create consensus, offered by the Town Board and staff to the Planning Board and the Board of Ethics, were met with resistance, not collaboration.


The Town Board has great respect and admiration for our volunteers, which is why we continue to expand their ability to make impactful changes to our Town.  A few recent examples include the Greenburgh Against Systemic Racism Task Force, the Human Rights Advisory Committee, and the Accessible Viable Living Advisory Committee (which directly deals with affordable housing).  However, we also realize the importance of protecting the Town from potential conflicts which is not fair to other applicants and can result in liability.  The resolution adopted by the Town Board, which set forth our new policy, was an essential safeguard to help protect the Town from these conflicts. 


We are confident that the policy adopted by the Town Board on July 10, 2024 was necessary and timely, and that the entire Town will benefit from its enactment.

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