Monday, August 19, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Maya Barmecha first started pushing for sidewalk on Ft Hill Rd when in 6th grade--progress happening.

Maya Barmecha is now entering 11th grade. Progress being made on her initiative to get a sidewalk built on Ft Hill Road.

Recently, the Greenburgh Town Board appropriated $600,000 in the 2024 capital budget to install new sidewalks in the town, including one on Ft Hill Road between Longview Drive and Underhill Road. This sidewalk was originally pushed for by a 6th grader in 2019 who urged the Town Board to support the construction of the sidewalk. Maya Barmecha can be seen in this November, 2019 News12 story asking the Town Board to give pedestrian safety priority.


Maya is now a rising 11th grader in Edgemont High School. She never stopped advocating for this sidewalk and for other safety improvements in the town. And – if the sidewalk is constructed she will deserve much of the credit. She attended Town Board meetings advocating for the sidewalk, helped support a community walk on Ft Hill Road so residents could see first hand how important the sidewalk is for a community that does not bus children to school.  And dealt with NYC and regional media over the years promoting the sidewalk.


Maya’s positive experience in the town has given her a positive taste about government. She understands that government takes time -and there are always bumps in the road to successes but she is persistent and determined to make a difference.  Maya was selected to attend the Students Inside Albany Program. She was sponsored by the New York State League of Women Voters (LWV) Education Foundation and LWV of Scarsdale, where she joined 59 other students for a four-day conference in Albany. She said she had the pleasure and honor of shadowing Assemblywoman Amy Paulin and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart Cousins during both Assembly and Senate sessions. Maya wishes to share her incredible experience with her community. I predict that she could one day become a prominent national elected official.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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