Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: The Hartsdale-Greenburgh Rotary does some great things for our community.

They are organizing a special event for those who are 60 years old or older on August 15th at the new Barnes & Noble store.

The Hartsdale-Greenburgh Rotary does some great things for our community.  They are organizing a special event for those who are 60 years old or older on August 15th at the new Barnes & Noble store.

Rotary is the world's oldest and most important service organization. It brings together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities, and in themselves.  The Hartsdale-Greenburgh Rotary has been in our community for more than 60 years, providing social action initiatives and programming to both educate the public and make a difference in our neighborhoods. The most recent focus has centered on food insecurity and issues related to the pandemic. These issues include mental health wellness and the increase of people facing isolation.


We have paired with other area Rotary Clubs to bring a wider variety of programming and projects. Our upcoming Rotary partner “wellness” program is the Midsummer SoirĂ©eWe invite all who wish to join this fun and social event to sign up by using the link (or QR code) on the flier I have included. 


What should you expect? Great food, drinks, socializing, and a chance to meet others who care about your community! For ages 60 and up 



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