Saturday, May 14, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Pollinator garden to be planted at AF Veteran park Sat May 14 and at Hartsbrook next Saturday.


Pollinator gardens are important for our environment.

Link to radio interview with Ardsley's Carol Sommerfield and Tarrytowns Mai Mai Margules

POLLINATOR GARDEN TO BE PLANTED AT AF VETERAN PARK TOMORROW (saturday, May 14) in the AM and early afternoon! (Heatherdell Road, Ardsley).

Next week Hartsbrook Nature Preserve on Ridge Road

Stop by at AF Veteran park on Heatherdell Road tomorrow morning and watch a group of dedicated activists create the AFV Pollinator Garden.  A week from Saturday,. on  May 21  pollinator pathway plantings will take place at Hartsbrook Nature Preserve in Hartsdale.  There has been lots of activity in recent years -getting people interested in pollinator gardens. Some residents have planted gardens on their property. The Greenburgh Nature Center has a fantastic pollinator garden and there are pollinator gardens in the villages. Overwhelming support in the community.  The goal: encouraging sustainable landscaping practices.

Ardsley resident Carol Sommerfield and Tarrytown civic leader Mai Mai Margules have been leaders in the effort to encourage local governments, non profits, beautification committees and residents to plant pollinator gardens. I recently invited them to appear on my WVOX radio show. A link to the discussion of the benefits of pollinator gardens can be found by clicking here:

Pollinator gardens attract bees, butterflies, moths, and creatures sthat transfer pollen from flower to flower or within flowers.  Planting a pollinator garden is important to the environment. Many pollinators are endangered. Pollinator friendly plants--native plants are good for the earth.

Hope to see you tomorrow at AF Veteran park. Thanks to those who are giving this important cause your attention.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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