Sunday, August 4, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Multiple Con Ed/town construction highlights need to improve communications -helping avoid delays.

Greenburgh plans to purchase more digital boards that can display info about construction activity that can cause traffic delays Want Con Ed to also purchase digital boards that can encourage motorists to take different routes.

Multiple Con Ed gas work highlights need to communicate construction activity with motorists so they can avoid streets where there will be traffic delays.

Greenburgh purchasing more digital speed boards---I suggest that Con Ed also purchase digital boards that can warn motorists what streets to avoid.


Multiple Con Ed construction (gas work), the traffic disruptions on E Hartsdale Ave due to the sewer break, periodic street closures due to flooding highlight the need to take action steps to help motorists reduce the times they are stuck in traffic. The Greenburgh Town Board recently approved the 2024 capital budget which authorizes the purchase of electronic signage (digital sign boards) that can be displayed at key locations in town when traffic disruptions are anticipated. They could encourage motorists to drive on different streets so they can avoid the traffic delays. We also will be purchasing a permanent digital display board that will be placed outside of Town Hall.


I will also be reaching out to Con Ed and will ask that they purchase more digital sign boards that can be used to warn motorists that work will be done on specific streets –encouraging motorists to avoid the area during construction. Con Ed is doing substantial underground work all over town. The company should be proactive and do a better job of warning motorists of work taking place.


Multiple  Con-Ed construction locations, although numerous in number, are necessary in nature. In the past week I have received complaints from motorists regarding work taking place on Central Ave, W Hartsdale Ave, S Washington Ave.  They are collectively part of a large gas supply upgrade project. As with any large-scale construction project, an increase in vehicular traffic and driver frustration, is the unfortunate and unwanted result. Motorists have been complaining to me about traffic delays and inconveniences. At times there have been road closures . In addition, the town is currently repair a major sewer main leak on East Hartsdale Ave which is also causing inconveniences. The E Hartsdale Ave construction won’t be completed until mid October or November.



August 2 to September 2024


A Con Edison contractor, Grace Industries, will be working in your area on a Gas project. We expect to work from August 2 to September 2024.


Locations and Work Schedule

South Central Avenue between North Healy Avenue & South Washington Avenue

Monday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Tuesday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Wednesday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Thursday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM


What to Expect

Limited Street Parking


PAUL FEINER Greenburgh Town Supervisor

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