Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Edgemont sufficiency petition hearing tonight at 7:30 P.M.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition for the incorporation of the Village of Edgemont, New York has been received by the Town of Greenburgh. A hearing was held on August 30th and adjourned to tonight, September 18, at 7:30 PM AT Greenburgh Town Hall to accommodate those who could not attend the August 30th hearing.

This Public Hearing is being convened pursuant to New York Village Law § 2-204 to consider the legal sufficiency of the petition. Objections to the legal sufficiency of the petition must be in writing and signed by one or more residents of the Town. Any group of persons having one or more objections in common may make a designation in writing and signed by them, of at least one but no more than three persons, giving the full names and addresses, on whom and at which addresses all papers required to be served in connection with the proceeding for incorporation shall be served. A majority of such designees must reside in the Town.



             All persons interested in the subject of the hearing are invited to attend and be heard.


 Dated: August 1, 2024


Greenburgh, New York












Edgemont Incorporation Petition 7-15-2024

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Sad News.

The Greenburgh Town Board members and the entire Town of Greenburgh staff, mourn the loss that has befallen our dear friend and colleague, Councilman Francis Sheehan.  Early yesterday his wife, Millie Ortiz Sheehan and daughter-in-law, Diana Trochez Sheehan tragically lost their lives in a fatal car accident in White Plains.


We ask that you join us in expressing deepest condolences to Francis, his son and their entire family for this terrible loss. However, we ask that you honor the Sheehan family’s privacy and allow them time to grieve.  If you wish to send expressions of condolence, please send them c/o Greenburgh Town Hall, to the attention of Joan Dudek.  Thank you.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: 2024 Election Desk: Alessandro Crocco GOP Candidate for New York State Assembly 92nd District.


Today I met with voters to discuss the critical upcoming public hearing on the Edgemont Secession. This move could have devastating consequences for Greenburgh, leading to skyrocketing taxes, overwhelmed municipal services, insufficient public safety, and a disproportionately negative impact on poor and minority families.
Join me in taking a stand against this proposal at the Public Hearing Against the Edgemont Secession on Wednesday, September 18 at Greenburgh Town Hall, 177 Hillside Ave, at 7:30 PM.
Your voice matters!

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Irvington HS student recalls pedestrian accident when he was in 3rd grade--sidewalk wanted on Taxter.

Link to Sebastian's presentation to Town Board Town Board approves funding for sidewalk on Taxter Road--sidewalk is currently being designed.

Earlier this year Sebastian Sage, an Irvington High School student, wrote me the following e mail highlighting a horrible experience he had in 3rd grade when he was hit by a car. Sebastian wanted to lobby the Town Board to fund a sidewalk on Taxter Road.

I invited Sebastian to speak to the Greenburgh Town Board. He spoke to the Board on Wednesday evening, September 11th, 2024. At that meeting the Town Board approved a resolution authorizing the issuance of $1,100,000 bonds to pay the cost of the construction of sidewalks at various locations-including Taxter Road. The sidewalk is currently being designed. We anticipate that the sidewalk will be constructed towards the end of next year –definitely will be completed in 2026. The link to the presentation and Town Board comments are below. Sebastian’s e mail to me is also posted.  Since 2017 the town has built or secured funding for almost 12 miles of new sidewalks. We will work hard to make our town much more pedestrian friendly. Sebastian's comments highlight the importance of the sidewalk initiative. We want to prevent accidents, serious injuries, and deaths.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor


My name is Sebastian Sage and I was hit by a car on Taxter Road when I was in 3rd grade. The effects of this event cannot be described in words. The challenges and hurdles I had to overcome often seemed impossible and was an extremely traumatic event in my life.

Unfortunately, this story is not uncommon on this road. The countless horrifying stories that have been told to me leaves me in shambles. From kids breaking bones to other kids dying, I realized something needs to be done.


Recently, I have noticed that multiple people have had to walk on Taxter Road since there is no sidewalk. Seeing this reminds me of the past and scares me to think that even more people could have the same outcome as me. On Taxter Road, there are many kids and adults who need to walk along the road. Whether it is walking home from your bus stop, or walking your dog, the dangers of Taxter Road are unimaginable.


I have now entered high school and realize that I only have so much time left here in the town of Greenburgh. I promised myself that I needed to help my community in any way possible before I inevitably leave for college.


Now that I have filled you in on my story and a little about who I am, here’s my idea. A simple sidewalk along Taxter Road. By installing this, people who are walking along the road, as well as drivers, understand where people are at all times. As you know, Taxter Road is very narrow and has multiple blind spots. Accordingly, drivers may need to swerve violently at times in case of an emergency that could cause a lot of harm to the driver too. It is also very hard to see people at night and this is a major problem. By installing a sidewalk, I think we could save the lives of the people of Greenberg and prevent accidents.


Please let me know your thoughts on this topic and let me know when we can have a conversation in person.   I would be happy to come by your office to discuss how I can contribute.


Warm regards,

Sebastian Sage

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Mobile shredder at highway garage today--drop off recyclables today.

Stormwater education and outreach info below--what is a rainbarrel ---info on what you can recycle today at the Greenburgh highway garage.

Friendly reminder: 

Mobile Shredder at Greenburgh highway garage TODAY (Sat) 9 am TO NOON (100 Sprain Road)—first come first serve

DROP OFF bulk metal and non metal items, e waste, vehicle batters, textiles and books from 9 am to 2 PM TODAY AT THE HIGHWAY GARAGE


Rain barrels are containers used to catch and temporarily store about 55 to 100 gallons of rainwater. Rain barrels are a good awareness tool. They help people think about stormwater runoff in a new way; to see it as a resource to be used. 


Use a rain barrel to:

 · Create a “conversation starter” to talk about stormwater runoff and water conservation

 · Help reduce stormwater runoff from your yard

 · Help conserve drinking water by collecting and using another source of water for watering plants


Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Aaron Schmidt, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Community Development and Conservation, at: 

Paul Feiner

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Friday, September 13, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Congrat's Rev. Dr. Verlin Williams of Union Baptist Church on your 30th anniversary.

Union Baptist Church is an important part of our community. And Rev. Dr. Verlin Williams has been an important spiritual leader in our town.

Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Verlin Williams on his 30th anniversary as Pastor of Union Baptist Church of Greenburgh.  Union Baptist Church is one of the towns most prestigious congregations and we’re grateful to Rev. Williams for being an important part of our community.


Rev. Williams’ pastoral ministry began in 1986 in Richmond, Virginia at New Light Baptist Church where he preached, taught and led the congregation into a major building renovation project to successfully restore their historic landmark building. On June 5, 1994, he preached his first sermon at the Union Baptist Church as its new pastor.  Rev Williams also led the  successful effort to build a major new addition to Union Baptist Church.


In addition to spiritual leadership, Rev. Williams demonstrates his commitment to the

church and Fairview-Greenburgh community through successful initiatives such as the Jobs for Life program, a job readiness program for young men in partnership with the Greenburgh Court, the Greenburgh Older Youth Initiative in partnership with Westchester BOCES and Westchester County, providing young adults ages 18-21 with in-home repair training. Other mentoring and support programs include Good for Girls,domestic violence awareness and prevention initiatives, a prison ministry for women at the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility and their children, and support for the Children’s Village. During Rev. Williams’ tenure, the church’s Food Service Ministry has become a leading food distribution center impacting families throughout Westchester County.


Greenburgh is fortunate to have exceptional spiritual leaders serving our community like Rev Williams. During the past 30 years Rev. Williams has made an important contribution to our town.

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Mobile shredder at Greenburgh highway garage Saturday--a free service.

drop off recycling at highway garage from 9 to 2.

Want to shred documents? Stop by at the Greenburgh highway garage on Saturday between 9 AM and noon. The county mobile shredder will be at 100 Sprain Road and will shred documents on a first come first serve basis. It’s free! Try to get to the highway garage early on Saturday since this is offered on a first come first serve basis.

And you can dispose of bulk metal and& non-metal items, e-waste, vehicle batteries, textiles, and books. Between 9-2 pm.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Interviews with local residents who recall their experiences being at ground zero on 9-11.

Greenburgh residents were impacted by 9-11 Listen to the living history interviews.

Please watch the interviews  of local residents who talk about their experiences being at ground zero on the morning of September 11, 2021 and whose lives were impacted by the horrors of that day.

All the interviews are on the Greenburgh website, Here is the direct link to the 9/11 Greenburgh Stories videos -  The interviews are also being broadcast on public access TV: channel 76 (optimum), 35 Verizon.


If you would like to be included in a future interview about 9-11 please e mail me at The 9-11 Greenburgh stories is a continuing effort.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town Of Greenburgh: SAVE THE DATE: The Repair Café- Greenburgh Is back!


SAVE THE DATE: The Repair Café- Greenburgh Is back! 

(we’re looking for volunteer fixers


When: Saturday October 26, 2024, 11 am – 3 pm

Where: Theodore D. Young Community Center

Hosted by: The Fairview Empowerment Group in partnership with 

The Hudson Valley Repair Café and 

The Rivertowns Repair  Café

Monday, September 9, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: 9-11 Memorial ceremony Wed at 9:30 A.M. at AF Veteran Park, Byrne Center.

Watch the 9-11 stories --interviews with local residents whose lives were impacted by 9-11 (link below).



The town of Greenburgh will remember the victims of 9-11 during the morning of 9-11-2024 at the Gerard J. Byrne Center, Veteran Town Park. At 9:30 A.M.   


It's been 23 years since 9-11. None of the students who are currently enrolled in any public or private school in Greenburgh was alive on 9-11. To encourage those who were not alive to have a better appreciation of this tragic day the town is broadcasting 9-11 stories from Greenburgh residents on September 11th from Tuesday evening to Wednesday at 7:30 PM on Optimum channel 76 and Verizon channel 35.

In recent years a 9/11 committee has been interviewing residents who were at ground zero on the morning of September 11, 2001 or whose lives were impacted by the horrors of that day.

All the interviews are on the Greenburgh website, here is the direct link to the 9/11 Greenburgh Stories videos -


If you would like to be included in a future interview about 9-11 please e mail me at The 9-11 Greenburgh stories is a continuing effort.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Billie Jean King honors Greenburgh's tennis leader Janet Lefkowitz for her work with the disabled.

UTA honors Janet , co founder of HERO--an organization that has served over 18,999 underserved, social isolated adults and children with intellectual, social and physical challenges.


Janet Lefkowitz, who built up the Greenburgh tennis program for many years, received the Champions of Equality Award by the UTA Eastern. This prestigious award honors Janet

 For her lifetime work/passion for tennis and equality in the sport. She received this award at the US Open Tennis Tournament from none other than Billie Jean King.

Janet co-founded HERO, Inc in 1992. Over the past thirty two years HERO’s recreation programs have served over 18,000 underserved, socially isolated adults and children in NYC metro area living with intellectual, social and physical challenges. Since 1992 until her retirement at the end of last year she has concurrently served as Tennis Director for the Town of Greenburgh.where she has  participated in programs for youth, teens, adults living with autism and wounded veterans. She wrote the first adaptive tennis curriculum for the USTA and is a recognized leader in adaptive recreation. She lives with her husband Larry in Hartsdale, NY and is the mother of two adult children. Recently, the Greenburgh Town Board and Parks department honored Janet and Larry by naming the tennis facilities at AF Veteran park in their honor.

Janet is a legend in tennis. We are grateful for her exceptional work. And, lucky that Janet is an important part of the Greenburgh community.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Watch 2 minute video link to last weekends Greenburgh diaper dash.

Over 40 participants at the 2nd annual diaper dash children 2 years old and under.

Watch the 2 minute video produced by Edgemont HS student Blake Feinstein.

Highlights; Greenburgh diaper dash 2024 for two year old children and under (crawlers and walkers).

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Recycling day: September 14th at highway garage--free mobile shredding.

Save our planet! Bring items that could be recycled to the garage on September 14th e waste, batteries, textiles, books and the mobile shredder will be at the garage!



Greenburgh Recycling Day - September 14!

The Town of Greenburgh Department of Public Works will be hosting our 4th Recycling Day for Greenburgh residents on Saturday, September 14 from 9 am – 2 pm at the Town DPW Yard (100 Sprain Road, Ardsley). Residents will have the opportunity to dispose of bulk metal & non-metal items, e-waste, vehicle batteries, textiles, and books. The Westchester County Mobile Paper Shredder will also be at the event from 9 am – 12 pm to offer shredding services to residents on a first come, first served basis.

Paul Feiner

Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Governor signs law authorizing year round pickleball at AF Veteran future tennis bubble.

The Finneran law limits the ability of the town to open up AF Veteran park to non residents without state legislation Tennis bubble to be built at park.

Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law last week a home rule law that was unanimously supported by the Greenburgh Town Board and introduced by Senator Andrea Stewart Cousins and Assemblywoman Mary Jane Shimsky. The law will expand community access to pickleball at Anthony F. Veteran Park in Greenburgh, NY.  In 2012 the state legislature authorized the construction of a tennis bubble at the park. Last year the Town Board approved a lease with Sporttime to build year-round tennis courts. Now pickleball will also be authorized. Special thanks to Janet & Larry Lefkowitz and former Commissioner of Parks Gerry Byrne for their advocacy.


Why did the State Legislature have to authorize a pickleball court?

In the 1970s the NYS Legislature approved the Finneran law which limits our ability to open the park to non-residents. Once Sporttime builds the bubble – indoor tennis- nonresidents will also have access to the courts. Greenburgh is the only community in NYS that has the Finneran restrictions.


Learn more about NY Sports plans -video presentation to Town Board over a year ago:


Some highlights of the Sports bubble that will be available to anyone (residents and non-residents


● A bank of hard surface courts on the south side of the Building Envelope, featuring four (4) DecoTurf, hard surface, tennis courts and six (6) DecoTurf hard surface pickleball courts, within a single 40,967 square foot air structure during the indoor season, and lighted for the outdoor season.

● A bank of six (6) Har Tru, soft surface tennis courts, constructed utilizing the latest HyQ subsurface irrigation technology, contained within a single 38,904 square foot air structure during the indoor season, and lighted for the outdoor season.

● A 8,964 square foot fabric frame structure, with removable sides, connected to the clubhouse, featuring four (4) indoor/outdoor pickleball courts, and convertible to other sports and sports training uses. In the alternative, a bubble containing those same uses.

● A 7,080 square foot clubhouse on two levels, providing viewing into both air structures from a spacious, elevated, main level viewing lounge/lobby. Also included on on the main level will be an entry vestibule/mudroom, a large, open, reception desk, with integrated work spaces, two private, unisex, ADA accessible bathrooms, a small retail area “pro shop”, a small cafe/vending area adjacent to the lounge area, with a service counter, a classroom/meeting room, locker rooms, and two enclosed office areas featuring multiple workstations. The lower level of the clubhouse will feature revolving door, airlock, access to the courts/bubbles, a clear span, functional training/fitness room, men’s and women’s locker rooms with showers, and mechanical and storage spaces, including a maintenance airlock that will allow vehicular and supply access into the court areas when they are pressurized.


Unincorporated Greenburgh residents would partake of a 10% discount on membership and program fees. There would also be 500 free program hours offered annually from Sportime to include people with disabilities, seniors, and under-resourced youth. Sportime would also make a commitment to fund annually $250,000 worth of full and part-time program scholarships.


Sportime would fund the build and operate the program, giving back fees to the town that could amount to $6M during the first 15 year lease that would go back into the town parks fund.


Greenburgh Town Supervisor

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Greenburgh Insider: Town of Greenburgh: Creative young writers 9-17 year olds wanted.

Greenburgh Kids Short Story Connection looking for students. program started 30 years ago

Dear Parents of Creative Young Writers between 9 and 17 years old,

As you design your young writer’s fall schedule, I hope you’ll include Greenburgh’s Kids Short Story Connection (KSSC) in their schedule. This successful creative writing program was started 30 years ago (and is still managed) by Sarah Bracey White, Greenburgh’s Director of Cultural Affairs. Sarah is also a published author, gifted teacher, and performer.

KSSC’s fall ’24 session begins at 10 am, Saturday, September 14th @ Greenburgh Town Hall. There will be three workshops: one for young beginners (9-11) and two for intermediate level writers 11-14.  KSSC’s advanced workshop for 15 to 17-year-olds meets over the Zoom platform at a different time. Partial scholarships are available.

If you have questions or want to enroll your young writer in one of these life-changing workshops, contact Sarah at or go to



Greenburgh Town Supervisor


Greenburgh Insider: Edgemont sufficiency petition hearing tonight at 7:30 P.M.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a petition for the incorporation of the Village of Edgemont, New York has been received by the Town of Greenburgh. A...