Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Link to Supervisor's decision: sufficiency on Edgemont incorporation petition.

In accordance with New York State Village Law, I have filed my decision today regarding the sufficiency of a petition which would lead to a referendum vote for a proposed incorporation of the Hamlet of Edgemont.

Please find below, a link to the entire decision documents and supporting exhibits.

The decision documents will reflect that I have found the petition insufficient for several reasons, which I have attempted to summarize below in layman’s terms.

1.         The petition does not accurately describe the territory proposed to be incorporated in a manner which meets the standard of NYS Village Law.

2.         Based upon deficiencies in required documents, the petition does not contain the requisite number of acceptable signatures required by New York State Village Law.

3.         The petition does not include a reasonably accurate list of regular inhabitants of the proposed Village, as required by New York State Village Law.

The process for incorporating a village in New York State is defined by Article 2 of NYS Village Law.  The requirements include defining the proposed village’s territorial borders with certainty and attaching an accurate and up to date list of the inhabitants of the proposed village to the petition so that signers can review the list and attest to familiarity with it at the time of signing.  In the case of the petition filed May 28, 2019 the standards required by the statute were clearly not met.

The narrative above is solely a summary.  Any inconsistency between this summary and the actual decision is governed by the formal decision documents, to which I suggest you refer.


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