Thursday, February 10, 2022

Greenburgh Insider: Edgemont HS freshman tells story of how Holocaust impacted his family.


Town Board to add statement in resolution opposing Anti Semitism to include Holocaust denial as example of Anti Semitism.

The resolution the Town Board will vote on addressing our opposition to Anti Semitism has been held over to next Tuesday afternoon.  Among the suggestions made at our Board meeting last night by residents was the importance of amending the resolution to include holocaust denial as an example of Anti Semitism.  Around the nation and around the world there is a movement to deny the historical realtty and extent of the extermination of the Jews by the Nazis and their accomplices during World War II. 

Ari Malz, a freshman at Edgemont High School, presented the Town Board with a very eloquent history of how the Holocaust impacted his family. He lost family members during the horrors of the Holocaust.  Ari will be interning and volunteering his time in my office in the coming months. I think it's wonderful that grandchildren of Holocaust survivors are telling their family stories. We must never forget!  Please watch his presentation.


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