Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Greenburgh Insider: Recommended 2023 Capital Budget.


Public hearing to be held by Greenburgh Town Board on May 10 after 7:30 P.M.

Recommended 2023 capital budget proposed-- public hearing to be held by Greenburgh Town Board on May 10 after 7:30 PM


In consultation with the Town Board and with careful review of each of the Town Department heads’ proposals, I am pleased to present to the Town Board the 2023 capital budget. The budget recommends funding of $19,899,944 to address important capital projects throughout the Town this year, an amount we worked hard,  with the Commissioners’ cooperation, to reduce down to the essentials from initial requests.


The largest focus of the Department of Public Works budget, as always, is improving roadway conditions and pedestrian safety. A proposed $2M goes to roadway resurfacing to fix potholes and other roadway distress points throughout the Town. I am also recommending $2M for curb replacement as needed and another $1.3M toward pedestrian safety improvements that include sidewalks, crosswalks and certain roadway changes.


Another major priority of the DPW is tackling drainage issues which exist all over the town. We are currently working on numerous flood control initiatives including Troublesome Brook and Manhattan Brook. The $2M being requested would be used for engineering studies and/or actual flood mitigation initiatives.


A major undertaking for the Consolidated Water Department this year will be the replacement of existing deteriorated water mains within the district in the High Point Road/High Point Lane Area. Replacing this crucial infrastructure is essential and complicated, with a price tag of approximately $3.8M.


The Planning and Zoning Department is also undertaking several major pedestrian safety improvement projects largely funded by the NYSDOT-administered Federal Transportation Alternative Grant Program. The town was awarded $1M to design and construct a sidewalk, drainage, and a flashing beacon on Hillside Avenue, with a budget ask of $700,000 to complete the project. A $5M grant to construct a sidewalk on West Hartsdale Avenue will include new drainage and updated signalization. The town share of $250,000 is requested for the surveying and preliminary design on the calendar for this year. 


There are many more projects and important purchases proposed herein, with costs and timelines presented as best estimates that are subject to change. The entire proposed budget is attached and can be read online.  

PAUL FEINER, Supervisor



 Click link for budget



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